The following people can assist the academic staff at RIEL in various capacities. Please get in touch with the relevant staff member if you think they could help you.
Jamie Payne
Operations Manager
Institute operations, governance, compliance, management and research supports. Research project planning, development, budgeting and management support.
0410 834 212
Casuarina campus, Yellow 2 Level 2 Room 7
Hannah Maddison-Harris
Communication and Partnerships Officer
Responsible for the communication of research happenings at RIEL, organisation of RIEL events, as well as collegiality and RIEL seminars.
Matthew Northwood
Research Officer
Design and production of equipment for RIEL related fieldwork and research.
08 8946 7630
Casuarina campus, Yellow 2 Level 2 Room 50
Ryan Taylor
Assets Officer
Research and fieldwork asset and equipment maintenance and management. Fieldwork recovery coordination services.
Casuarina campus, Yellow 2 Level 2 Room 7
Will Kemp
Communications officer
Responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the RIEL website, as well as other RIEL communications duties.