Student stories
Becoming a nurse against the odds: Meet Jubilee

Jubilee always dreamed of becoming a nurse and she’s let nothing stand in her way. Not even the fact that she didn't meet the prerequisites for a nursing degree.
“I’d always planned to study a nursing degree, but because I lacked the qualifications necessary to enrol in university, I didn’t think I’d be able to go,” says Jubilee.
TEP made university possible
With a firm focus on her goals and the encouragement of CDU's Team Aspire program, Jubilee enrolled in CDU's free, 16-week Tertiary Enabling Program (TEP). The bridging program helped her meet the entry requirements for a nursing degree. She's now enrolled in a Bachelor of Nursing and is on track to qualify as a registered nurse.
“The study you do during the Tertiary Enabling Program is just like being at university, with access to similar sorts of assessment, readings and levels of language,” she says.
“TEP helped me to improve my time management and focus and build up a solid friendship group and study buddy network.
I’ve learnt how to communicate and think like a university student and it’s opened up my eyes to so many possibilities.
Extra encouragement in high school
While Jubilee has always dreamed of being a nurse, it was CDU's Team Aspire program that really cemented her decision to pursue tertiary education.
The Team Aspire program offers high school students in the Northern Territory free coaching, scholarships, events and advice on education options, courses and careers.
Jubilee first joined the Team Aspire program in high school. As well as accessing coaching, advice and a peer network, she received a three-year scholarship (which helped her purchase a new laptop, pay for excursions and buy extra materials required for her school work).
She's since also received another $10,000 scholarship while studying at CDU.
It means something special to me to receive scholarship funds and support from CDU and motivates me to look towards graduating and beginning my future career as a nurse.
"CDU's Team Aspire program helped me realise that my passion and kindness for people was ideal for moving into a career in nursing,” she says.
"Team Aspire made the transition to study at CDU so easy and I feel so connected because of the relationships and friendships I’ve built."
Achieving her aspirations
When Jubilee graduates with a nursing degree, she hopes to work in a local hospital. And later return to her childhood community to work in aged care.
"I recently volunteered at an aged care facility, and it confirmed my decision that I want to work as an aged care nurse," she says.
"My hours with patients went so quickly because we were communicating, bonding and growing relationships."
Long term? “My dream is to journey to Ethiopia, where I’ll work as a nurse out in remote areas,” she says.
I want the opportunity to create something from my heart, for the people.
“I also have a passion for creating youth programs and opening new doors for people who are unable to access these," she says.
Her advice?
“Don’t let anything be a barrier to your educational journey,” Jubilee would say to her younger self or others considering university.
Have faith in what you’re doing and what you want to accomplish. On those harder days, don’t start crying, just keep trying.
"Make friends and connections with a lot of people. If there’s a new opportunity, grab it, if there’s a risk, take it.”
Start your journey to university. Learn more about CDU's Tertiary Enabling Program and Team Aspire program.
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