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Study with CDU

Tertiary Enabling Program

CDU's free Tertiary Enabling Program (TEP) is an alternative pathway into uni (sometimes called a 'preparatory' or 'bridging' course) that helps you get into the swing of study. With TEP, you'll have the opportunity to develop the skills, knowledge and confidence you need to succeed at university.

You can complete the free course online or on campus, full time or part time, and in as little as 16 weeks you'll meet the requirements to apply for entry to most CDU undergraduate degrees.

TEP Semester 2 applications open

Why choose CDU?

  • #8 Australian university for undergraduate employment outcomes

    According to The Good Universities Guide 2025 CDU ranks as a leader for undergraduate employment outcomes

  • 30 years' experience in distance and online education

    We have what it takes to support flexible study

  • Top university for first-in-family study

    The Good Universities Guide 2024 ranks CDU as a top 5 university in providing first-generation university education

I'm a

To study in

I'm looking for

We have 4 courses for you...

First Nations Introduction to University Program (ZIPIP2 - 2025)

Duration 0.5 year/s full-time

Location Alice Springs campus, Casuarina campus

First Nations Pre-Law Program (ZIPLP1 - 2025)

Duration 0.5 year/s full-time

Location Casuarina campus, Danala - Education and Community Precinct

Preparatory Studies (ZPREP1 - 2025)

Duration 0.5 year/s full-time

Location Casuarina campus, Online

Tertiary Enabling Program (ZTEP01 - 2025)

Duration 0.5 year/s full-time, 1 year/s part-time

Location Alice Springs campus, CDU Sydney, Casuarina campus, Online

Your Shortlist
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Is TEP for me?

Uni preparation courses, bridging courses, foundation courses, study pathways into uni... What does it all mean? And is it for you?

If you didn't complete Year 12 or didn't achieve the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) needed to get into your chosen university course, or even if you just haven't studied for a while, TEP is perfect for you.

Why should I do TEP?
  • TEP is a free program than can get you back into the swing of study
  • The course prepares you and enables you to start a degree with CDU
  • You'll build the study skills, knowledge and confidence needed to succeed at uni
  • You can choose to study full or part time
  • Studying TEP revolves around you; choose from on-campus, online or mixed-mode study options
  • TEP can be completed in as little as 16 weeks.
Where can I study TEP?

You can complete TEP online or at our campuses in Darwin, Alice Springs and Sydney.

Wherever and however you choose to study, you'll get the support you need.

What support is available?

As a CDU TEP student, you'll get access to the same support as our Higher Education and TAFE students.

Whether you're studying on campus or online, you'll always be able to contact your lecturers and tutors and be able to access your course materials online.

How do I start?
  1. Complete the online enquiry/application form
  2. After you submit your online TEP application, we'll email you with a writing task to complete
  3. Once you've completed the writing task, you'll receive an email letting you know whether TEP is the right pathway to uni for you, and offering you a place of enrolment.
Ready to start?

Applications are now open.

Get started

Launch into your new world of study with confidence

  • From bridging course to Mechanical Engineering

    From bridging course to Mechanical Engineering

    My personal story began in 2012. Around this time, I felt that there was something empty bouncing around, unfulfilled with dead-end jobs. It was only after having my beautiful baby boy, Elijah, that I realised he deserved to have a better future. I deserved a better life.

  • How I got into the swing of study before starting uni

    How I got into the swing of study before starting uni

    Felex Oryema completed our Tertiary Enabling Program (TEP) in order to gain the skills to succeed at university after moving from Uganda. We asked him about his experience studying TEP, VET and Higher Education with CDU.

    Read more
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