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Student stories

Setting up for success online: Maggie's story

This article appears in: Education, Studying in Australia
International student Maggie

Since her first visit to Australia’s Northern Territory, Shuk Fai Law, ‘Maggie’, felt she was destined to pursue her passion in primary school teaching at CDU. She loved everything about Darwin, especially the beautiful sunsets and the delicious food. After commencing her teaching degree online in Hong Kong, she didn’t hesitate to take the opportunity to join the first international student charter flight to CDU and chase her dream career.   

Australia-bound to study

Maggie had visited Darwin just once before commencing her studies with CDU.   

“I like Darwin as it is a fantastic place for me to achieve a balanced life,” says Maggie. 

Darwin is full of love, excitement and opportunities. It will be wonderful if I can pursue my childhood dream, to be a primary school teacher, in such a lovely city.

Starting her studies online has given her the chance to build connections and settle into the Australian lifestyle before arriving in Darwin.   

After international border closures, Maggie’s goal of becoming a primary school teacher in Darwin was made possible by the CDU charter flight. Just one month before the flight’s departure, Maggie was delighted to receive an email from CDU inviting her to be a part of the first charter flight for international students.  

CDU is a caring university that has put great effort into arranging this charter flight. I am very lucky to be one of the first international students to return to Australia. 


CDU Charter Flight student Maggie departs Hong Kong airport

Creating a pathway with online study   

Starting her Master of Teaching degree online from her hometown in Hong Kong, Maggie appreciated the systematic and supportive platforms available at CDU for students studying online.   

Learnline is a great platform that allows students to go into online classrooms with ease," Maggie said.    

Lecturers can display the teaching materials prepared through the screen clearly. Apart from typing words in the chatroom, both lecturers and students can communicate well with each other through microphones and cameras.

Even during her time in quarantine, Maggie was able to join in on the online sessions at CDU, including both interest classes and academic workshops.  

“I have started my revision on LANTITE (The Literacy and Numeracy Test for Initial Teacher Education Students), so that I can be fully prepared before taking the literacy and numeracy tests in the near future.” 

Keen to obtain a driver’s licence in Darwin, Maggie kept herself busy in quarantine with another form of online study - her driving theory test.   

CDU International student Maggie at Casuarina

The road to success   

Since she arrived in Darwin, she has dedicated herself to giving back to the community that has helped her achieve her dream. 

“I have meaningfully spent time improving my skills in various aspects, including achieving a First Aid certificate and Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) certificate. I have also spent time volunteering as I enjoy helping others.”  

She is empowered to use the skills learnt whilst studying, combined with her life experiences, to inspire young children. Maggie believes her diligence, patience and motivation will play a part in her future career as a primary school teacher

"As I always believe, studying hard will lead to good outcomes."

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