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CDU student on Sydney highrise

Student stories

CDU nursing student at her locker in a hospital

A quick step into nursing with an online degree: Meet Michelle

As a busy mum and trained dancer, Michelle never dreamed that a different career would be possible. But CDU changed all that. Waltzing through a flexible online nursing degree, she's now dancing to a different tune working as a nurse.

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International student Maggie

Setting up for success online: Maggie's story

Since her first visit to Darwin, Maggie was destined to pursue her passion with a teaching degree at CDU. Amidst COVID-19 border restrictions, she started her studies online in Hong Kong and later joined the first international student charter flight to Australia. 

Read more about Setting up for success online: Maggie's story
CDU student Nicholas studying laptop online

How a hands-on degree is helping Nicholas become an engineer

Nicholas has always wanted to get involved in projects and at CDU he’s done exactly that. Studying his engineering degree has kept him pretty busy and, combined with a hands-on cadetship, he’s on track to build a successful career in engineering.

Read more about How a hands-on degree is helping Nicholas become an engineer
Cassian Lushinge

Environment protector to educated advocate: Meet Cassian

Cassian is applying his experience in engaging with the local First Nations communities to find new approaches to solving complex environmental problems back home in Tanzania. 

Read more about Environment protector to educated advocate: Meet Cassian
International student Lloyd

Lloyd's studying humanitarian aid to make the world a better place

After a challenging childhood in the Philippines, Lloyd wanted to dedicate his life to helping people in need. He found a way to do that through a degree in humanitarian aid at CDU. 

Read more about Lloyd's studying humanitarian aid to make the world a better place
Brittany Hayword Brown on field studies trip in Northern Australia

I studied enviro science to make a difference: Meet Brittany

When Brittany started a science degree after year 12, she wasn’t convinced it was for her. But a two-year travel stint changed that. She returned home with a new-found awareness of environmental issues and came back to CDU to finish the science degree she’d started. 

Read more about I studied enviro science to make a difference: Meet Brittany
International student Heather Wong

Heather's charter flight story: From online to on campus

When COVID-19 struck, international student Heather was at home in China. She was preparing to study a Master's degree in accounting at CDU in Darwin when borders closed. Heather did not give in; instead, she started studying online.  

Read more about Heather's charter flight story: From online to on campus
International student Nilesh

How volunteering enhanced my study experience: Meet Nilesh

Volunteering has been shown to be hugely beneficial to university students, both socially and professionally. CDU international student Nilesh is evidence of this.  

Read more about How volunteering enhanced my study experience: Meet Nilesh
CDU student Joelene in Kakadu on environmental science placement

Parenting and an environmental science degree: Meet Joelene

Inspired by a hike on the Larapinta Trail, Joelene set out to pursue a career in environmental sciences. At 27 weeks pregnant, Joelene completed a three hour exam and now credits her daughter for keeping her on track. 


Read more about Parenting and an environmental science degree: Meet Joelene
CDU student Malia studying online on her couch

From bridging course to occupational therapy: Malia's journey

Studying her master’s degree in occupational therapy, Malia’s set to fulfill her goal of becoming an occupational therapist. Study combined with personal life experience means she’ll be very well qualified.

Read more about From bridging course to occupational therapy: Malia's journey
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