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CDU Art Collection and Art Gallery

On-campus art displays

Mick Ricktor’s painting “Pila nguru”, 2018 and “Morning star”, 1995 by Robyn Mununggurr are featured in the Council Room, Chancellery, Casuarina campus, CDU.

Artworks from the CDU Art Collection enhance placemaking at CDU campuses at Alice Springs, Casuarina, Darwin Waterfront and Palmerston campuses of CDU. Collection artworks are displayed in selected learning and study areas, meeting rooms, offices and public areas of the university.

Sculptures on display at Colonnade, Chancellery, Casuarina campus
Sculptures “Taparra (Moonman/footy man)”, 2006 and “Taparra tutini”, 2006 by Romolo Tiploura are featured in the Colonnade, Chancellery, Casuarina campus, CDU.

If you are CDU staff and wish to explore the option of borrowing artwork for display in your area, please follow these steps:

  1. Request an assessment of the security and environmental suitability of your area for displaying works from the CDU Art Collection.
  2. If this assessment is positive, artworks will be selected by the Curator in consultation with you. Thereafter, the selection will be made by the Curator.
  3. A loan agreement will be sent to you, which lists artworks as well as the terms and conditions of the loan and requires cost-code approval from the relevant Financial Controller to cover installation costs.
  4. The artworks are scheduled for installation by the contracted Gallery Technician; an invoice for installation will be sent to your work unit.
  5. Enjoy and appreciate the artwork! If there are any issues with the condition or placement of the artworks, please alert the CDU Art Collection staff. Please do not move or remove artworks without notifying CDU Art Collection staff.

Please note the Terms and Conditions - CDU Art Collection On-campus Art Display Loans (DOCX, 870.85 KB).

Please email to request artwork for display.

    Chancellery artwork display
    Fiona Sivyer’s “borders/borders”, 2004 and Neridah Stockley’s “Claypan”, 2006 surround Carol Carroll, seated in Level, 3, Chancellery, Casuarina campus, CDU.
    Bonnet artwork by Pennyrose Wiggins
    “Bonnet”, 2016 by Pennyrose Wiggins on display in Orange 12 building, Casuarina campus, CDU.
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