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Environmental science at CDU
Study with CDU

Science, Environmental Science and Management

Explore biology, environmental science, spatial science, chemistry or biochemistry with an Environmental Science or Science degree from CDU and you could take part in exciting in-field intensives and get hands-on practical and laboratory experience. Choose from online, on-campus, part-time or full-time options.

Study with a uni recognised across the globe for its environmental research and specialise in biodiversity and conservation, water and catchments, eco-cultural resource management, or landscape and spatial ecology with an undergraduate CDU Environmental Science degree.

Semester 2 applications extended to 12 July

Choose CDU for environmental science courses

  • #3 in Australia for agriculture and environmental studies starting salary

    According to the Good Universities Guide 2024

  • 30 years' experience in distance and online education

    We have what it takes to support flexible study

  • 100% flexible study that suits you

    Choose to study online or on campus, part-time or full-time

Need some help finding the right course or career path?

Why study environmental science?


If you’ve always had an interest in the natural world around you or you want to assist in the challenges that lay ahead for our planet, consider studying an environmental science degree.

Our Top End location makes the perfect outdoor classroom, boasting natural savanna bushland on campus and some of Australia’s most visited and environmentally significant national parks on Darwin’s doorstep. We’re uniquely positioned to explore the impact Indigenous knowledge systems have on land and resource management.

Many of the world-class researchers found at the internationally renowned Research Institute for the Environment and Livelihoods (RIEL) also teach CDU’s environmental science courses and science courses.

Interested in environmental science but like the diversity of a science degree? Our Bachelor of Science also offers flexible study options so you can gain those fundamental science foundations and build on them with your area of interest, like a major in ecology.

Studying environmental science courses online

Environmental science at CDU

We've been providing environmental science degrees online for a long time and our easy-to-use digital learning environment reflects that. 

CDU's small class sizes create an advantageous student-teacher ratio, and our online students receive the same support and attention as their on-campus peers. Access all your learning materials on demand and interact with your lecturers and fellow students through online discussions and tutorials.

While environmental science degrees can be studied 100% online, you have the opportunity to balance your studies through practical activities within units or choosing a professional practice (work placement) unit. 

CDU's environmental science degrees also offer field intensives where you can gain on-the-ground experience in the unique environments of Northern and Central Australia and the Asia-Pacific region. This combination of academic knowledge and practical skills will set you up for success in the industry. 

Learn more about CDU’s online study experience.

Your career in environmental science

Environment students collecting seeds

As environmental concerns grow, the world needs more qualified and passionate environmental scientists. 

From desk work to field work or a combination of both, you can use the knowledge and skills you gain during your environmental science degree to make an impact through policy, education, research, or on-the-ground roles in a range of areas like conservation and sustainability. 

As a scientific discipline, your environmental science degree will equip you with skills desirable across many other professions and industries, including deductive reasoning and critical thinking, research and analysis, data gathering and problem solving, and many more. 

With pressing issues like climate change and global biodiversity creating a wave of job growth within the industry, there's never been a better time to study environmental science. As a top Australian university for skills development in environmental sciences, CDU is the place for future environmental scientists like you.

Launch into your new world of study with confidence

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    Inspired by a hike on the Larapinta Trail, Joelene set out to pursue a career in environmental sciences. At 27 weeks pregnant, Joelene completed a three hour exam and now credits her daughter for keeping her on track. 


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    John's digging his way to a new career

    John Hogarth is no stranger to digging in the dirt. For 14 years he worked fly-in-fly-out worker in the civil and mining sector. But when long hours and a grueling FIFO roster took their toll, he knew it was time for a change. 

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  • Erica   Two weeks in the Amazon protecting the turtles

    My two weeks in the Amazon protecting turtles

    As part of her Bachelor of Environmental Science, CDU student Erica Smith seized the opportunity to cross Brazil off her travel bucket list as she took part in the two-week Brazilian Amazon Field Intensive (BAFI) offered by CDU's College of Engineering, IT and Environment. 

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