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Bachelor of Clinical Science Medicine/Doctor of Medicine

Not available to international students.

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This course is only available to International students and your preference is currently set to Domestic.

Key details


5 year/s full-time


Semester 1
Important Dates


Casuarina campus
Not available to international students.

Credit points required


Course code

SATAC codes


The CDU Menzies Medical Program was developed in response to community needs in the Northern Territory and provides the exciting opportunity to study medicine in this unique environment. The course aims to graduate doctors with the desire, attributes, and competencies to be excellent doctors in the NT health setting - one of the most challenging in Australia. The medical program has a strong focus on First Nations health and wellbeing, remote and rural medicine, rural generalism and provision of high-quality interdisciplinary team based regional and remote health services. Clinical placements will take students to rural and remote towns across the NT providing a rich experience in clinical medicine in rural and remote settings. The course offers students the opportunity to conduct meaningful research in partnership with the community with exceptional mentors through the Menzies School of Health Research.

Practical experience

This course includes around 95 weeks of clinical placements in community, primary care and hospital settings over the course of the 5 years.

Professional recognition

On completion of the Bachelor of Clinical Science Medicine and Doctor of Medicine (MD) you are eligible for provisional registration with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency and the Medical Board of Australia. After serving a compulsory internship year of residence in approved health facilities, you become eligible for general medical registration in Australia.

Credit transfers and advanced standing


Pathways for VET to Higher Education

Guaranteed credit transfer arrangements are available to students commencing a bachelor degree at Charles Darwin University with completed Certificate IV, Diploma, Advanced Diploma or Associate Degree qualifications in the same field or discipline. Students who hold completed qualifications should refer to the additional information provided about Advanced Standing and Credit Transfer and Pathways using the links below:

Pathways for Higher Education to Higher Education

For information about credit transfer available to students with complete or incomplete study at this or other Institutions refer to Pathways for Higher Education to Higher Education

Credit transfer

For further information on credit transfer and how to apply visit ASK CDU

Credit transfers and advanced standing

Credit transfer

For further information on credit transfer and how to apply visit ASK CDU


Commonwealth supported places

Commonwealth Supported places are available in this course to students who meet one of the following residency requirements:

(a) be an Australian citizen, who will complete some of your course of study while resident in Australia; or

(b) a New Zealand citizen; or an Australian permanent visa holder; or an eligible former permanent humanitarian visa holder; who studies the entire course while living in Australia.

Further information about fees and charges can be found at Fees and Payments.

CDU Domestic Student studying

Why study an undergraduate course at CDU?

Study an undergraduate course at Charles Darwin University to turn your passion into a profession. Choose from hundreds of certificates, diplomas and degrees and enjoy a flexible, supportive learning environment. Whatever you're interested in, there's a place for you at CDU. 

  • Top 100 university globally for quality education
  • Five-star Australian university for graduate employment outcomes (GUG 2024)
  • Choose to study online, on campus, part-time or full-time as it suits you

Why study an undergraduate course at CDU?

Study an undergraduate course at Charles Darwin University to turn your passion into a profession. Choose from hundreds of certificates, diplomas and degrees and enjoy a flexible, supportive learning environment. Whatever you're interested in, there's a place for you at CDU.

  • Top 100 university globally for quality education (THE Impact Rankings 2021)
  • Five-star Australian university for graduate employment outcomes (GUG 2024)
CDU Domestic Student studying

Why study an undergraduate course at CDU?

Study an undergraduate course at Charles Darwin University to turn your passion into a profession. Choose from hundreds of certificates, diplomas and degrees and enjoy a flexible, supportive learning environment. Whatever you're interested in, there's a place for you at CDU. 

  • Top 100 university globally for quality education
  • Five-star Australian university for graduate employment outcomes (GUG 2024)
  • Choose to study online, on campus, part-time or full-time as it suits you

Why study an undergraduate course at CDU?

Study an undergraduate course at Charles Darwin University to turn your passion into a profession. Choose from hundreds of certificates, diplomas and degrees and enjoy a flexible, supportive learning environment. Whatever you're interested in, there's a place for you at CDU.

  • Top 100 university globally for quality education (THE Impact Rankings 2021)
  • Five-star Australian university for graduate employment outcomes (GUG 2024)

What will I study?

The medical program is a 5-year course split into 2 phases. The first two years are delivered on campus and the final 3 years delivered in a variety of clinical placements.

Course structure

A candidate must successfully complete units totalling 400 credit points (cp) as detailed below. All units are valued at 10 credit points unless otherwise indicated.

Unit typeCredit PointsSpecific requirements
(8 units)
Compulsory Core units totalling 400 credit points as detailed below:   

MED101 Clinical Sciences 1 (40cp)  
MED112 Clinical Sciences 2 (40cp)  
MED201 Clinical Sciences 3 (40cp)  
MED212 Clinical Sciences 4 (40cp)  
MED301 Applied Clinical Sciences 1 (80cp)  
MED501 Applied Clinical Sciences 2 (80cp)  
MED512 Applied Clinical Sciences 3 (60cp)  
MED601 Medicine in Practice (20cp)  
Course Total400cp 

Course Rules (unless otherwise indicated in the above course structure)


Study plan


The Recommended Study Plan provided below is suitable for a student enrolling in a full-time study load. Students entering this course with advanced standing, or wishing to vary their study plan due to work, personal, financial or other reasons should use the table as a guide to create an individual study plan.

When designing an individual study plan:

  • maintain the basic order in which units are to be attempted; and
  • check the prerequisite and assumed knowledge for each unit as some units assume you have completed foundation unit/s in the unit area at a lower level.  
Legend:CO = Core Unit

Full-Time Study Plan

MED Semester 1MED Semester 2
Year 1
MED101 Clinical Sciences 1 (40cp)COMED112 Clinical Sciences 2 (40cp)CO
Year 2
MED201 Clinical Sciences 3 (40cp)COMED212 Clinical Sciences 4 (40cp)CO
MED Semester Clinical
Year 3
MED301 Applied Clinical Sciences 1 (80cp - full year unit)CO
Year 4
MED501 Applied Clinical Sciences 2 (80cp - full year unit)CO
Year 5
MED512 Applied Clinical Sciences 3 (60cp)COMED601 Medicine in Practice (20cp)CO


Entry requirements


The Bachelor of Clinical Science Medicine/Doctor of Medicine (MD) is a highly competitive course with 20 places available in 2025, increasing to 40 places from 2026. This means that although you may meet the minimum entry requirements for the course, you may not be ranked high enough to receive an offer. This course has sub-quotas available for NT residents, First Nations applicants, and rural and remote applicants.

Admission criteria


The Bachelor of Clinical Science Medicine/Doctor of Medicine (MD) is a highly competitive course with 20 places available in 2025, increasing to 40 places for 2026.

Offers for this course are made in the January offer round, and subquotas for both NT Residents and First Nations applicants are available.

There are four (4) subquotas for this course (further details on eligibility are below):

1.      NT First Nations Subquota 

2.      NT Residency Subquota 

3.      First Nations Subquota (non-NT Residents) 

4.      Rural and Remote Subquota

NT First Nations Subquota

Limited places are available for applicants who are eligible to meet both the First Nations and the NT Residency requirements.

You are eligible to be considered in a First Nations subquota if you meet the following three (3) criteria:

1.      being of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander descent
2.      identifying as an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person
3.      being accepted as an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person by the community in which you live or formerly lived.

To apply for this subquota, applicants must provide confirmation of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander heritage evidenced by a letter of confirmation from a recognised Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Organisation. This evidence should be submitted with your application at the time of submission.

Applicants also need to submit evidence that they meet the NT Residency requirement.

NT Resident Subquota

Limited places are available for applicants who are eligible for the NT Residency requirement.

A Northern Territory resident is defined as a person who, when the course commences, is an Australian or New Zealand citizen (residing in Australia), permanent resident or Humanitarian Visa holder who has had a permanent address in the Northern Territory[1], for:

a) at least two years out of the past six years; or
b) a total of five years since starting primary school

To apply for the NT Residency subquota, applicants must provide evidence of residency in the NT for the duration stated above. Accepted evidence includes utility bills, rates, rental agreements, and bank statements. This evidence should be submitted with your application at the time of submission.

[1] including NT communities that cross geographical borders.

First Nations (non-NT) Subquota

Limited places are available for applicants who are eligible for the First Nations subquota and reside outside of the NT.

Applicants must submit the required evidence (detailed under the -NT First Nations Subquota- section above).

Rural and Remote Subquota

Limited places are available for applicants who are eligible for the Rural and remote subquota and reside outside of the NT.

A rural or remote applicant is defined as someone who has resided in an area designated as Modified Monash Model (MMM) MM2 to MM7[2] for:

a)      5 or more consecutive years within the last ten (10) years; or
b)     10 cumulative years since commencing preschool.

To apply for the Rural and Remote Subquota, applicants must provide evidence of residency in the designated areas for the duration stated above. Accepted evidence includes utility bills, rates, rental agreements, and bank statements. This evidence should be submitted with your application at the time of submission.

[2] The Modified Monash Model measures remoteness and population size on a Modified Monash (MM) category MM 1 to MM 7 scale. MM 1 is a major city, and areas classified as MM 2 to MM 7 are rural or remote. MMM:

Entry Requirements

Applicants for the course must meet one of the following criteria:

  • Be a recent school leaver (within two years of course commencement) with an ATAR of 85 or above (after the addition of any relevant adjustment factors); or
  • Be currently enrolled in a higher education course (bachelor level or higher) and have completed at least one year of full-time study* with a GPA of at least 5.0**; or
  • Have completed a higher education course (bachelor level or higher) or equivalent international qualification, with a GPA of at least 5.0**. The qualification must have been completed within the past seven (7) years at the time of course commencement.

Applicants must also submit the application pack responding to all questions. 

* One year of full-time study is equivalent to 80 credit points at CDU.

**GPA is calculated based on a 7-point scale.

Additional admission requirements

Applicants for this course will be shortlisted for interview based on a combination of the following criteria:

  1. Academic merit
  2. Subquotas
  3. Responses to questions within the application pack.

Offers will be made based on an applicant's final ranking. This ranking is based on academic merit (50%) and interview score (50%).

Offers will be made in the main January offer round. All applicants who receive an offer must accept and enrol into all first-year units by the deadline specified in their SATAC offer letter; or the offer will be lapsed.

Applicants who are offered a place in this course and have not completed health or science subjects in the previous two years will be encouraged to undertake an online, self-paced short course titled Introduction to Chemistry and Cell Biology for Medical Students during the first semester of their first year. Enrolled students will be granted access to this short course as soon as their enrolment is confirmed, allowing them to begin the course before the semester starts.

Essential requirements

Pre-clinical Requirements

Students must provide proof that they have met all university and State/Territory pre-clinical requirements before they can undertake those units that include clinical attachments. These requirements include, but are not limited to, immunisation requirements, criminal record checks, working with children clearance and/or fitness-to-practice requirements.

English language requirements

To gain entry into Charles Darwin University, all Higher Education applicants must satisfy the University's English Language Proficiency requirements for their chosen course of study. From 2025 ALL applicants will be required to supply evidence of this at the time of application. For further details on the English requirements for CDU courses, please refer to CDU English Language Proficiency Policy.

English language proficiency requirements - Domestic students

English language proficiency requirements - International students   
Course specific English language proficiency requirements for International students are included below.

The minimum English language requirement for this course is met by undertaking one of the following English language tests and obtaining the minimum requirements listed below.

IELTS Academic ModuleMinimum overall score of 7.0 with no band less than 7.0
Cambridge Advanced English (CAE)Minimum overall score of 185 with no skill below 185
Common European Framework Certificate of English ProficiencyTest not accepted for this course.
Pearson Test of English (PTE) Academic moduleMinimum overall score of 65 with no score less than 65 in listening, speaking, reading and writing
TOEFL Internet-based Test (iBT)Minimum overall score of 94 with no score less than 23 in speaking, 24 in reading and listening, and 27 in writing

* All tests are valid for two years from the date of the test to the date of commencement at CDU, unless otherwise specified. 
* Where applicable, international applicants must also satisfy the Department of Home Affairs (DHA) English language requirements for student visa applications.

Do you have a question regarding English requirements at CDU? Please email:


ATAR profile

There are no statistics available for this course. It may be that the course is new or the profile data is unavailable.

CDU has been doing online study for so long they're really good at it. At CDU, everyone, online and on campus, is just a student.


CDU student

CDU Nursing student Michelle on the top of a roof in Sydney

CDU graduates have the best career and employment prospects. International students have ranked CDU 1st in Australia for learning and living experience


CDU student

hema giri

CDU has been doing online study for so long they're really good at it. At CDU, everyone, online and on campus, is just a student.


CDU student

CDU Nursing student Michelle on the top of a roof in Sydney

CDU graduates have the best career and employment prospects. International students have ranked CDU 1st in Australia for learning and living experience


CDU student

hema giri

Course details


This course is accredited by the University in accordance with the Higher Education Standards.

Inherent Requirements

There are inherent requirements for this course. Students must read and understand the requirements for this course.

Australian qualification framework

This course is recognised in the Australian Qualifications Framework at Level 9.

Student profile

There are no statistics available for this course. It may be that the course is new or the profile data is unavailable.

Additional information

Can offers be deferred?
Doctor of Medicine
Faculty of Health
Area of study
Medicine, Health

Contact details

For further information about the course, enrolment procedures, closing dates and other administrative issues please contact Student Central on: 061 963 (free call)

You make CDU

Together we are a positive force for change in our communities and the world.

You make CDU

Our students choose to study with us because we share the same vision – to make a positive change. Whatever your motivation is, we can guide you in the right direction.

You make CDU

Together we are a positive force for change in our communities and the world.

You make CDU

Our students choose to study with us because we share the same vision – to make a positive change. Whatever your motivation is, we can guide you in the right direction.

How to apply

There are many ways to apply to CDU. The method you use depends on your course type, where you live and whether you are a new or returning student to CDU.

Remember to apply early for your best chance at securing an offer to study with us.


SATAC is the application channel for residents of NT, ACT, SA, WA, QLD, VIC, NSW or TAS.

SATAC codes

Casuarina campus (CSP)
* CSP = Commonwealth supported place
FF = Full fee

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