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Student at CDU

Bachelor of Accounting/Diploma of Digital Enterprise

Key details


3 year/s full-time
6 year/s part-time
3 year/s full-time


Semester 1, Semester 2
On campus - Semester 1, Semester 2
Online - No
Important Dates


Danala - Education and Community Precinct, Online
Danala - Education and Community Precinct

Credit points required


Course code

SATAC codes


There is an increasing demand for accounting graduates with digital skills, with technological skills delivering higher pay rises. During your Bachelor of Accounting you will study a number of accounting core units covering foundational knowledge and skills required in the accounting profession. There are a number of elective units available where students can focus on an area of interest. The accounting capstone unit in your final semester will bring together the concepts and theory you have studied across your degree in a focus on ethics and professional applications that will prepare you well for the next steps in your working life.

The Diploma of Digital Enterprise is a flexible qualification that builds critical skills and knowledge in the business and information technology spheres. It equips you with a unique and powerful combination of skills, giving you a professional advantage in today's competitive business world.

Professional recognition

Completion allows graduates to apply for membership of CPA Australia, Chartered Accountants of Australia and New Zealand (CAANNZ)

Credit transfers and advanced standing


Pathways for VET to Higher Education

Guaranteed credit transfer arrangements are available to students commencing a bachelor degree at Charles Darwin University with completed Certificate IV, Diploma, Advanced Diploma or Associate Degree qualifications in the same field or discipline. Students who hold completed qualifications should refer to the additional information provided about Advanced Standing and Credit Transfer and Pathways using the links below:

Pathways for Higher Education to Higher Education

For information about credit transfer available to students with complete or incomplete study at this or other Institutions refer to Pathways for Higher Education to Higher Education

Credit transfer

For further information on credit transfer and how to apply visit ASK CDU

Credit transfers and advanced standing

Credit transfer

For further information on credit transfer and how to apply visit ASK CDU


Commonwealth supported places

Commonwealth Supported places are available in this course to students who meet one of the following residency requirements:

(a) be an Australian citizen, who will complete some of your course of study while resident in Australia; or

(b) a New Zealand citizen; or an Australian permanent visa holder; or an eligible former permanent humanitarian visa holder; who studies the entire course while living in Australia.

Further information about fees and charges can be found at Fees and Payments.

Non-Commonwealth supported places

Full fee paying places are available in this course.

Information about fees and charges can be found at Fees and Payments.

International tuition fees

International Tuition Fees

Accounting students at CDU

Why study accounting at CDU?

Start a career in accounting as a forward-thinking CDU graduate. You'll network with industry leaders while you develop the skills and knowledge to succeed in roles across the finance and banking industry, as well as diverse roles in the public and private sector.

  • Study electives from other areas to complement your career options or interests
  • Five-star Australian university for graduate employment outcomes (GUG 2024)
  • Choose to study online, on campus, part-time or full-time as it suits you
Accounting PG student at CDU

Why study accounting at CDU?

Start a career in accounting as a CDU graduate. You'll network with industry leaders while you develop the skills and knowledge to succeed in roles across the finance and banking industry, as well as diverse roles in the public and private sector.

  • Study electives from other areas to complement your career options or interests
  • Five-star Australian university for graduate employment outcomes (GUG 2024)
Accounting students at CDU

Why study accounting at CDU?

Start a career in accounting as a forward-thinking CDU graduate. You'll network with industry leaders while you develop the skills and knowledge to succeed in roles across the finance and banking industry, as well as diverse roles in the public and private sector.

  • Study electives from other areas to complement your career options or interests
  • Five-star Australian university for graduate employment outcomes (GUG 2024)
  • Choose to study online, on campus, part-time or full-time as it suits you
Accounting PG student at CDU

Why study accounting at CDU?

Start a career in accounting as a CDU graduate. You'll network with industry leaders while you develop the skills and knowledge to succeed in roles across the finance and banking industry, as well as diverse roles in the public and private sector.

  • Study electives from other areas to complement your career options or interests
  • Five-star Australian university for graduate employment outcomes (GUG 2024)

What will I study?

Bachelor of Accounting /Diploma of Digital Enterprise is a three-year full-time or six year part-time equivalent dual qualification. This dual degree consists of twenty core units and four specialist electives. COM105 Business Communications, IAS201 Cultural Capabilities and MAN105 Introduction to Management are three core units common to both qualifications. Therefore, Bachelor of Accounting students must complete five more units in the Diploma of Digital Enterprise and can award two qualifications.

Course structure

A candidate must successfully complete units totalling 240 credit points as detailed below. All units are valued at 10 credit points unless otherwise indicated.   

Unit typeCredit PointsSpecific requirements
Core Units   
(20 units) 

Compulsory core units totalling 50 credit points as per list of units detailed below:

Core units (common to both courses) 
COM105 Business and Communication Skills
MAN105 Introduction to Management
IAS201 Cultural Capabilities

Digital Enterprise Core Units 
HIT137 Software Now
HIT164 Computing Fundamentals

Accounting Core Units 
ACT102 Introduction to Accounting
ECO107 Economics and the Modern Business Enterprise
LAW105 Introduction to Business Law
QAB105 Business Research Methods
ACT202 Management Accounting
ACT204 Financial Accounting
FIN205 Business Finance
LAW205 Commercial and Corporate Law for Owners, Managers and Professionals
ACT301 Accounting Theory and Contemporary Issues
ACT302 Strategic Management Accounting
ACT303 Principles of Auditing
ACT304 Accounting Information Systems
ACT305 Corporate Accounting
TAX305 Taxation
ACT410 Ethics, Governance and Professional Applications

Specialist Electives   
(4 units) 

Specialist Elective units totalling 40 credit points selected from the list of available units detailed below:

Digital Enterprise Specialist Electives 
MKT103 Fundamentals of Marketing
HIT140 Foundations of Data Science
HIT172 Operating Systems and Applications
HIT226 Mobile Web Structures
HIT234 Database Concepts
MAN204 Project Management
BUS305 Business Model Design and Implementation

Accounting Specialist Electives 
ACT207 Finance and Poverty Alleviation in the Philippines 

 240cpTotal Credit Points

Course Rules (unless otherwise indicated in the above course structure) (240cp)

  • A maximum of 100 credit points may be taken from 100 level units.
  • A minimum of 60 credit points must be taken from 300 level units or above.
  • See the Higher Education Course Rules (Award Requirements) in the Units and Courses Policy.


Study plan


The Recommended Study Plans provided below are suitable for students enrolling in a full-time or part-time study load. Students entering this course with advanced standing, or wishing to vary their study plan due to work, personal, financial or other reasons should use the table as a guide to create an individual study plan.

When designing an individual study plan:

  • maintain the basic order in which units are to be attempted; and
  • check the prerequisite and assumed knowledge for each unit as some units assume you have completed foundation unit/s in the unit area at a lower level.   
Legend:CO = Core UnitSE = Specialist Elective

Full-Time Study Plan

Semester 1Semester 2
Year 1
COM105 Business and Communications SkillsCOHIT137 Software NowCO
MAN105 Introduction to ManagementCOACT102 Introduction to AccountingCO
HIT164 Computing FundamentalsCOLAW105 Introduction to Business LawCO
QAB105 Business Research MethodsCOECO107 Economics and the Modern Business EnterpriseCO
Year 2
IAS201 Cultural CapabilitiesCOFIN205 Business FinanceCO
ACT202 Management AccountingCOLAW205Commercial and Corporate Law for Owners, Managers and ProfessionalsCO
ACT204 Financial AccountingCOSpecialist ElectiveSE
Specialist ElectiveSESpecialist ElectiveSE
Year 3
ACT301 Accounting Theory and Contemporary IssuesCOACT304 Accounting Information SystemsCO
ACT302 Strategic Management AccountingCOACT305 Corporate AccountingCO
ACT303 Principles of AuditingCOTAX305 TaxationCO
Specialist ElectiveSEACT410 Ethics, Governance and Professional ApplicationsCO

Top of Page

Legend:CO = Core UnitSE = Specialist Elective

Part-Time Study Plan

Semester 1Semester 2
Year 1
COM105 Business and Communications SkillsCOHIT137 Software NowCO
MAN105 Introduction to ManagementCOACT102 Introduction to AccountingCO
Year 2
HIT164 Computing FundamentalsCOLAW105 Introduction to Business LawCO
QAB105 Business Research MethodsCOECO107 Economics and the Modern Business EnterpriseCO
Year 3
IAS201 Cultural CapabilitiesCOFIN205 Business FinanceCO
ACT202 Management AccountingCOSpecialist ElectiveSE
Year 4   
ACT204 Financial AccountingCOLAW205 Commercial and Corporate Law for Owners, Managers and ProfessionalsCO
Specialist ElectiveSESpecialist ElectiveSE
Year 5
ACT301 Accounting Theory and Contemporary IssuesCOACT304 Accounting Information SystemsCO
ACT302 Strategic Management AccountingCOACT305 Corporate AccountingCO
Year 6   
ACT303 Principles of AuditingCOTAX305 TaxationCO
Specialist ElectiveSEACT410 Ethics, Governance and Professional ApplicationsCO

Top of Page



The Recommended Study Plans provided below are suitable for students enrolling in a full-time or part-time study load. Students entering this course with advanced standing, or wishing to vary their study plan due to work, personal, financial or other reasons should use the table as a guide to create an individual study plan.

When designing an individual study plan:

  • maintain the basic order in which units are to be attempted; and
  • check the prerequisite and assumed knowledge for each unit as some units assume you have completed foundation unit/s in the unit area at a lower level.   
Legend:CO = Core UnitSE = Specialist Elective

Full-Time Study Plan

Semester 1Semester 2
Year 1
  HIT137 Software NowCO
  ACT102 Introduction to AccountingCO
  LAW105 Introduction to Business LawCO
  ECO107 Economics and the Modern Business EnterpriseCO
Year 2
COM105 Business and Communications SkillsCOFIN205 Business FinanceCO
MAN105 Introduction to ManagementCOLAW205 Commercial and Corporate Law for Owners, Managers and ProfessionalsCO
QAB105 Business Research MethodsCOSpecialist ElectiveSE
ACT204 Financial AccountingCOSpecialist ElectiveSE
Year 3
HIT164 Computing FundamentalsCOACT304 Accounting Information SystemsCO
IAS201 Cultural CapabilitiesCOACT305 Corporate AccountingCO
ACT202 Management AccountingCOTAX305 TaxationCO
Specialist ElectiveSEACT410 Ethics, Governance and Professional ApplicationsCO
Year 4
ACT301 Accounting Theory and Contemporary IssuesCO  
ACT302 Strategic Management AccountingCO  
ACT303 Principles of AuditingCO  
Specialist ElectiveSE  

Top of Page

Legend:CO = Core UnitSE = Specialist Elective

Part-Time Study Plan

Semester 1Semester 2
Year 1
  HIT137 Software NowCO
  ACT102 Introduction to AccountingCO
Year 2
COM105 Business and Communications SkillsCOLAW105 Introduction to Business LawCO
MAN105 Introduction to ManagementCOECO107 Economics and the Modern Business EnterpriseCO
Year 3
QAB105 Business Research MethodsCOFIN205 Business FinanceCO
ACT204 Financial AccountingCOLAW205 Commercial and Corporate Law for Owners, Managers and ProfessionalsCO
Year 4
HIT164 Computing FundamentalsCOSpecialist ElectiveSE
IAS201 Cultural CapabilitiesCOSpecialist ElectiveSE
Year 5
ACT202 Management AccountingCOACT304 Accounting Information SystemsCO
Specialist ElectiveSEACT305 Corporate AccountingCO
Year 6
ACT301 Accounting Theory and Contemporary IssuesCOTAX305 TaxationCO
ACT302 Strategic Management AccountingCOACT410 Ethics, Governance and Professional ApplicationsCO
Year 7
ACT303 Principles of AuditingCO  
Specialist ElectiveSE  

Top of Page

Entry requirements

Admission criteria

Admission requirements are met by one of the following:

  • Successful completion of the Northern Territory Certificate of Education and Training (or equivalent) and the awarding of an Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR) of at least 60*.
  • Successful completion of a national qualification at Certificate III level or higher.
  • Successful completion of at least 0.5 year of full-time study (or equivalent) of a higher education degree/diploma.
  • Overseas secondary or tertiary qualifications considered equivalent to the above Australian qualifications.
  • Attainment of a STAT Multiple Choice score of 140.
  • Successful completion of the Tertiary Enabling Program, the Preparation for Tertiary Success courses, or other recognised tertiary preparation course.
  • Submission of an acceptable personal competencies statement and/or employment experience.
  • Defence members with service of 1 year or more at the following ranks (or higher) meet the academic entry requirement for this course:
    • Navy: Seaman, Able Seaman, Leading Seaman
    • Air Force: Aircraftmen/Aircraftwoman, Leading Aircraftman/Aircraftwoman, Corporal
    • Army: Private, Lance Corporal, Corporal
  • Current School Leaver Pathways:
    • Best of 3 Year 12 subject grades
    • School recommendation program

* After any applicable adjustment factors have been applied.

Essential requirements

English language requirements

To gain entry into Charles Darwin University, all Higher Education applicants must satisfy the University's English Language Proficiency requirements for their chosen course of study. From 2025 ALL applicants will be required to supply evidence of this at the time of application. For further details on the English requirements for CDU courses, please refer to CDU English Language Proficiency Policy.

English language proficiency requirements - Domestic students

English language proficiency requirements - International students   
Course specific English language proficiency requirements for International students are included below.

The minimum English language requirement for this course is met by either undertaking previous education from an English-speaking country or undertaking one of the following English language tests and obtaining the minimum requirements listed below.

CDU English for Academic Purposes 3 (ZEAP30)Successful completion of EAP003 English for Academic Purposes 3
IELTS Academic Module (including One Skill Retake)A minimum overall score of 6.0 with no band less than 6.0.
Cambridge Advanced English (CAE)A minimum overall score of 169, with no skill below 169.
Common European Framework Certificate of English ProficiencyA minimum overall grade of B2.
Pearson Test of English (PTE) Academic moduleA minimum overall score of 50 with no score lower than 50.
TOEFL Internet-based Test (iBT)A minimum overall score of 60 and a minimum writing score of 21.

* All tests are valid for two years from the date of the test to the date of commencement at CDU, unless otherwise specified.
* Where applicable, international applicants must also satisfy the Department of Home Affairs (DHA) English language requirements for student visa applications.

Do you have a question regarding English requirements at CDU? Please email:

ATAR profile

There are no statistics available for this course. It may be that the course is new or the profile data is unavailable.

The people-first approach to flexibility and supportive learning environment at CDU meant I could find a balance with study, work and family life.


CDU student

Nikki Govan

I love CDU! The faculty staff give out such positive vibes, inspire you to work hard and cheer you on with every step you take.


CDU student


The people-first approach to flexibility and supportive learning environment at CDU meant I could find a balance with study, work and family life.


CDU student

Nikki Govan

I love CDU! The faculty staff give out such positive vibes, inspire you to work hard and cheer you on with every step you take.


CDU student


Course details

Inherent Requirements

There are inherent requirements for this course. Students must read and understand the requirements for this course.

Australian qualification framework

This course is recognised in the Australian Qualifications Framework at Level 7.

Student profile

There are no statistics available for this course. It may be that the course is new or the profile data is unavailable.

Additional information

Can offers be deferred?
Bachelor of Accounting:Diploma of Digital Enterprise
Faculty of Arts and Society
Area of study
Accounting, Law and Legal Studies, Business

Contact details

For further information about the course, enrolment procedures, closing dates and other administrative issues please contact Student Central on: 061 963 (free call)

You make CDU

Together we are a positive force for change in our communities and the world.

Learn more about accounting at CDU

Rafat is a CDU Alumni from Bangladesh and studied a Master of Professional Accounting (Professional Practice). Hear more about her experience of studying, living, working and playing in Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia.

You make CDU

Together we are a positive force for change in our communities and the world.

Learn more about accounting at CDU

Rafat is a CDU Alumni from Bangladesh and studied a Master of Professional Accounting (Professional Practice). Hear more about her experience of studying, living, working and playing in Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia.

How to apply

There are many ways to apply to CDU. The method you use depends on your course type, where you live and whether you are a new or returning student to CDU.

Remember to apply early for your best chance at securing an offer to study with us.


SATAC is the application channel for residents of NT, ACT, SA, WA, QLD, VIC, NSW or TAS.

International applications

Applications must be submitted online through our application portal, Studylink. You'll need a valid email address to create your online account. Once you have started your application, you will be able to save it and resume it later. There is no application fee when you apply online.

You may be able to lodge a direct application; however, there may be restrictions on your geographic location. If you cannot submit a direct application via the application portal, please apply through one of our registered agents.

Apply through StudyLink or through an Agent.

International applicants currently studying year 12 in Australia should apply via SATAC.

If you do not meet any of the criteria above please visit Pathways to study to view the options available to you.

SATAC codes

Danala - Education and Community Precinct (CSP)
Online (CSP)
* CSP = Commonwealth supported place
FF = Full fee

CRICOS codes

Danala - Education and Community Precinct

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