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Renjith Hari

Mr Renjith Hari

Renjith Hari is a lecturer in nursing in the College of Nursing & Midwifery.

He started his career in clinical nursing as an intensive care nurse in 2002. He has completed two master's degrees, one with a specialisation in intensive care and the second specialising in clinical education.

Renjith started his academic nursing career as a clinical practice lecturer on a short-term contract in 2012 based at the Royal Darwin Hospital. He was employed on a permanent basis as a lecturer in nursing in 2014. During his first year in this role, he designed, developed and successfully delivered the core units for postgraduate intensive care nursing stream.

Renjith is currently the stream coordinator for acute and intensive care postgraduate nursing specialities.

He is a member of the University Academic Board and Australian College of Critical Care Nurses.

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