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Animal with dark fur with scattered white spots, pointy nose, and open mouth showing two sharp fangs in the bottom jaw. Standing on rough timber
Conservation biology fuses many fields from pure biology through to social science, law and ethics. Our research grapples with this complexity through collaboration with skilled and committed people from across the world.
Women in greenhouse
In an Australian first, Charles Darwin University (CDU) is introducing a nationally accredited course in Therapeutic Horticulture, bringing an alternative therapy technique to complement a range of health and social services.
Our graduates are prepared for a career in a variety of workplaces, including in acute care settings, government departments and to work in a variety of settings including rural and remote practice. You will be able to work with individuals, groups and communities.
Speech and Language Therapy
TRANSFORM Lab aims to empower students, staff and the broader community to transform cultural, linguistic and social barriers through innovative, interdisciplinary approaches to teaching, learning and research.
Dog looking at the waves with a person beside
It’s an expression we use every day, so it might surprise you that the term ‘mental health’ is frequently misunderstood. Meagan Miskin is the Health, Wellbeing & Injury Management Consultant at CDU and she shares the importance that good mental health plays when it comes to work, study and life. 
New study looking into the movement and social habits of the iconic Thorny Devils
A Central Australian researcher from Charles Darwin University is analysing the social behaviour and physiology of Australia’s Thorny Devil to answer unexplained questions about the iconic creature.
Charles Darwin University Associate Professor Dianne Wepa led the study into connectedness for Māori during COVID-19.
A study into the social response of Māori during the COVID-19 pandemic has found the interconnectedness of Indigenous communities could be key to developing greater and more effective public health policies.
Charles Darwin University’s (CDU) Paramedic Course Coordinator Sam Willis has used virtual reality technology to facilitate communities of practice connecting students and providing them with support to undertake work placements.
Connecting students through virtual reality (VR) can help better prepare and support students to tackle work placements, a Charles Darwin University (CDU) researcher says.
Each year, one high-achieving Law student from CDU is selected to travel to Harvard Law School and work as as a legal intern at the Harvard Immigration and Refugee Clinic. Paul Larder is one of the students who went on this four-week, life-changing trip.
Sunrise over Darwin harbour
Traditional Owners, along with many other stakeholders, will work together on developing the Integrated Report Card. Over the next few years, the Report Card will track the health of Darwin Harbour to allow informed decision making towards a sustainable future for all those living in the surrounding area.
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