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Charles Darwin University (CDU) Vice-Chancellor Professor Scott Bowman welcomes Federal Government decision today to invest in more university and VET places.
Charles Darwin University (CDU) has been awarded more than 800 university places to tackle skill shortages and give more people from under-represented backgrounds the chance to go to university in the Northern Territory.
First Nations ranger trainees from across the Top End are working to become certified rangers through the ‘Ranger Ready’ program.
Ranger trainees from across the Top End are working to become certified through the 'Ranger Ready' program, combining traditional knowledge with conservation training.
Academic Calibration at CDU is an external peer review process that is undertaken in collaboration with other Innovative Research Universities (IRU).
Our Video Brand Guidelines provide advice on how to create on-brand video for CDU.
Lego engineers standing among engineering plans
What you might not realise is that to be an engineer can mean many, many things. Here's how to decide on whether Engineering - and which course - is right for you. 
image of a piggy bank
If you’re exploring the options for studying a vocational education and training qualification and  wondering how much it’ll cost to study a Certificate or Diploma at CDU TAFE, read on. Simply put, the amount you pay will depend on a wide range of factors. In good news, there are financial support and flexible study options available to make the cost of study more manageable for you.
CDU engineering and TEP student Rikki with her son
Rikki Bruce was told her maths skills weren't up to scratch to study engineering. Not only did she graduate from CDU with an engineering degree, she was nominated by her lecturers as valedictorian for her outstanding personal achievements and academic record. 
International student Farhana is a champion at helping people who are in need, whether that’s in the classroom or through invaluable volunteer work. Throughout her life, her deep passions have always been education and social development. Thanks to her Master of Teaching studies at CDU, she has been able to blend the two together.
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