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Entrepreneur Tarek in office space with colleagues
A road trip from NSW to NT, a commerce degree at Charles Darwin University, a miraculous recovery from a plane crash, starting his own company – Tarek’s inspiring story has it all.
Rafat completed a finance degree in Dhaka, Bangladesh and moved to Darwin to pursue her masters with CDU. Rafat’s dream was to work with multinational accounting companies and before graduating with CDU, she secured a full-time job with KPMG.
A Charles Darwin University (CDU) student has developed an augmented reality app to aid construction safety training in remote NT communities.
A former Charles Darwin University (CDU) student has developed an augmented reality app to aid construction safety training in remote NT communities, and assist First Nations workers to learn and work on country while improving local housing.
Charles Darwin University (CDU) Science lecturer Stephen Reynolds and graduate Yunzhu Wang construct a solar-powered car, a task that will feature in the new science and technology elective offered to arts and humanities students.
A new STEM program at Charles Darwin University (CDU) is set to entice arts and humanities students into science, technology and innovation, with the start of a new Advances in Science and Technology subject.
CDU Paramedicine Lecturer Amy McCaffrey in the new paramedicine facility.
Working at the busy intersection of education, primary healthcare, emergency medical services and public health, Amy McCaffrey, is an inspirational figure.
School children taking Year 12 exams
Year 12 can be a stressful time for both you and your teenager. Study, final exams, and decisions about further education and the next chapter of life can feel overwhelming. But it doesn’t have to be! With some simple strategies and teamwork, Year 12 can be memorable for all the right reasons.  
Are you considering studying a Bachelor of Laws, but struggling to figure out how you’ll fit lectures, library visits and study groups into your already busy schedule? Good news: like most things these days, you can study your Law degree online through CDU. Read on to find out what’s involved. 
Alumni Awards finalist Emma Bell
Emma Bell is a woman who knows what she wants, and experience is proving that she gets it. With a determined attitude and positive mindset, she’s successfully contributed to the delivery of Territory Government and Commonwealth Infrastructure and Capital Facilities & Infrastructure (CFI) projects respectively.
Group of students walking
COVID-19 restrictions have brought a lot of changes to how life, study and work look. And there’s still a lot of uncertainty about what’s to come. If you’re finishing high school in the Northern Territory, here’s why going to uni in Darwin is a good choice.  
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