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Graduate as a medical scientist and be responsible for analysing patient samples, assist with disease diagnosis and ensure suitable treatments. You may also choose to complete a PhD and segue into research. We have a long association with Menzies School of Health Research, one of Australia’s leading medical research institutes, and the region attracts many high achieving scientists. Our courses are nationally recognised and accredited with the Australian Institute of Medical Science (AIMS).
Girl next to gym machine
Ever wondered how your experience could help you receive formal training qualifications? Recognition of prior learning can fast-track your TAFE courses.
20180813 Pharmacy Shoot   CDU   1800X800
Heading to university is a big change, and it comes with a lot of words you won’t hear anywhere else. From deferred entry to Learnline and pre-requisites for courses, we’re here to explain some of the most important uni terms so you know what’s going on before you finish Year 12.
band on stage performing
Alice Springs locals Ruby Hill and Alex Shaw, better known as up-and-coming garage pop-rock band Sealed Lips, are taking their act to the next level thanks to the courses and lecturers from Charles Darwin University (CDU).
Accounting student Eugenia in Casuarina campus library
After receiving an impressive ATAR score, Darwin school leaver Eugenia was going to be spoiled for choice when it came to choosing courses and universities. She didn’t hesitate to stay local.
Study IT courses or network engineering courses at Charles Darwin University. You can study our online courses for IT part-time or full-time as it suits you.
Academy arts NAIDOC 2021
Understand Indigenous artmaking as knowledge sharing to reflect on your professional practice and engage learners in innovative ways. Academy of the arts of Charles Darwin University
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