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Grant to support Darwin Harbour report card
Chair of the Darwin Harbour Advisory Committee, and Co-Director of RIEL at CDU Professor Karen Gibb has been awarded a $125,000 grant from The Ian Potter Foundation to support and manage the long-term sustainability of Darwin Harbour.
Girl next to gym machine
Ever wondered how your experience could help you receive formal training qualifications? Recognition of prior learning can fast-track your TAFE courses.
Tutor in workshop
This page is dedicated to research events and early career researcher programs
This is an excellent opportunity for you: Build a network with Allied health professionals
Dr Tracy Woodroffe Newsroom
Tracy is a Warumungu Luritja woman with years of experience in the field of education who completed her PhD with Northern Institute in 2019. Tracy is a lecturer with the College of Indigenous Futures, Arts & Society who coordinates.
Heather KPMG
When Heather arrived in Darwin from China, she immediately felt like it was a place with limitless opportunities. Time has proven that Heather’s feelings were right.
Animal with dark fur with scattered white spots, pointy nose, and open mouth showing two sharp fangs in the bottom jaw. Standing on rough timber
Preventing extinctions is at last government policy. It is about time. For the thirty plus years we have been working with Australian threatened species, here and abroad, we have been highlighting their plight, working out ways extinction can be prevented and population declines reversed.
Transformational leadership is needed to build the knowledge, skills and mindsets required to navigate the complexities of the fourth industrial revolution’s digital workplaces. Successful workers of the future will be agile, self-directed and reflective; they will create their own vision and secure the necessary knowledge and skills as and when they need them.
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