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RIEL seminar series

How can we prepare for the future and develop our regions with nature-based solutions?

Presenter Dr Ingrid Coninx (Wageningen Research)
Contact person E:
Location Savanna Room, Yellow 1 Level 2 Room 48 at CDU Casuarina Campus
And online via Zoom (see below for Zoom link)
All times are ACST
Open to Public
Dr Ingrid Conninx, head and shoulders, wearing black jacket and brown blouse, with green lawn, road and houses out of focus in background

Dr Ingrid Coninx is a change facilitator with Wageningen Research, which is part of Wageningen University & Research.

Many regions worldwide face a range of interconnected challenges: economic decline, vulnerability to climate change and environmental degradation, decreased quality of life, biodiversity loss, degradation of soil and water quality, and public resistance against major development projects, among others. The way we are developing regions is currently being questioned. Addressing these complex issues requires innovative approaches, and regional development grounded in nature-based principles is increasingly seen as a viable path forward.

In the seminar 'How can we prepare for the future and develop our regions with nature-based solutions? Some insights from Europe', Ingrid will discuss emerging concepts that are helping regions to prepare for the future, share examples from her work in Europe, and reflect on opportunities for Australia.

With Wageningen Research, Ingrid specialises in regional systems transformations, focusing on climate resilience, nature-based solutions, and sustainable land use. Her primary role is aligning stakeholders to develop future visions for their regions and to establish long-term collaborations where nature and economy thrive together.

If you have specific questions that you would like to be addressed in this seminar, add them to this form by September 11.

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