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Northern Institute

Greg Williams

People of NI
Greg Williams

Senior Lecturer & PhD Candidate

Greg coordinates the Public Policy coursework programs at the Northern Institute, Faculty of Arts and Society. He has worked at CDU for over 25 years, both in VET and Higher Education, in areas related to Indigenous studies, land and resource management and Indigenous education. His interests lie in exploring appropriate pedagogies for learning in intercultural contexts, particularly in natural and cultural resource management and issues related to knowledge-making in intercultural contexts. Greg’s current research for his PhD centres on using narrative as a foundation for developing and enacting pedagogies in intercultural learning contexts.

+61 8 8946 6467

Casuarina campus, CDU

CDU research portal

Research Interests:
  • Pedagogies for intercultural contexts
  • Working with Indigenous people in natural and cultural resource management.
  • Affordances of technologies in learning spaces
  • 21st-century learning space design.

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