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 Image: Humpbacked whale flipper, Megaptera novaeangliae. Photographer © Australian Museum
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Capturing Nature: early photography at the Australian Museum 1857-1893


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Charles Darwin University (CDU) has launched a new hub for training frontline troops in the fight against cyber threats.

The Cyber Territory Skills Hub is a virtual centre bringing together the University, the Northern Territory and Federal Governments and industry partners in the training of people to improve cyber awareness and management.

A new committee has been established to expand career pathways for First Nations staff at Charles Darwin University (CDU), with a purpose to guide future opportunities across all levels of employment.

The First Nations Workforce Advisory Committee will oversee the development and implementation of the university’s First Nations Workforce Strategy 2022-2025, which directs strategies to recruit, support, and engage First Nations staff members.

A Charles Darwin University (CDU) researcher has called for changes to lengthy, unpaid work placements in higher education, which she says are causing students to choose between their qualifications and other life responsibilities.

At a major field education summit in Sydney, CDU Head of Social Work, Associate Professor Lisa Hodge, said a lack of flexibility and financial pressures are putting a strain on students who need to undertake placements as part of their studies.

Charles Darwin University (CDU) academics recently welcomed legal researchers from Yale University to offer guidance for an upcoming research project on the longevity of the ANZUS Treaty.

CDU Faculty of Arts and Society law lecturers Professor David Price and Dr John Garrick met Nick Barile and Andrew Smith in Darwin to discuss various models for potential treaties in the future, based on the ANZUS agreement.

The 2023 Lunar New Year has been welcomed with a feast and festivities at Charles Darwin University (CDU), as Chinese and First Nations communities came together to celebrate the Year of the Rabbit.

CDU students, staff and families shared their culture in a range of traditional performances, food, music and activities.

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