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Charles Darwin University (CDU) has made a submission to the Australian Universities Accord panel proposing new ideas to improve higher education in Northern Australia.

The Universities Accord is a collaboration between the Australian Government and the higher education sector to strengthen the connection between universities and their communities, enhance research and innovation, and improve student outcomes.

The psychological distress of people in Northern Territory’s COVID-19 quarantine facility was low because those in the facility realised its importance in controlling the pandemic, according to a Charles Darwin University (CDU) study.

People housed in the Howard Springs facility (HSF) on the outskirts of Darwin had the low levels of psychological distress, with those arriving from Melbourne – who had left tough restrictions in their home state – having the lowest stress of all, the study found.

A first of its kind study into global Twitter activity during heatwaves has revealed why social media should be leveraged to spread information about extreme temperatures.

The Charles Darwin University (CDU) study, in collaboration with Pardeborn University in Germany, explored how social media and in particular Twitter, can be used to understand how people feel about heat waves and how they respond.

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Charles Darwin University (CDU) staff have rallied together to raise money for Northern Territory communities affected by the recent floods in the Big Rivers Region. 

A collective donation of $9,000 will be equally shared between the Gurindji Aboriginal Corporation and the Karungkarni Art and Cultural Aboriginal Corporation, to provide emergency supplies for residents and help repair the Karungkarni Art and Culture Centre.

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