Background to the Historical Casual Salary Review project
In March 2022 Charles Darwin University commenced a review to identify casual staff who were affected by payment practices for casual employees during the period February 2016 to February 2022. With the Vice-Chancellor making an announcement on 14 March 2022,
The University proactively commissioned this review following the identification of staff underpayments across the higher education sector. The review examined payments made to all casual staff employed under the Charles Darwin University and Union Enterprise Agreement 2013 and Charles Darwin University and Union Enterprise Agreement 2018.
Any underpayments identified in the review for existing or former casual staff will be fully rectified. Applicable superannuation will be applied and interest at five per cent will be added on any underpayments.
Since March 2022 the University has implemented additional measures to make sure its casual staff are paid correctly, including investing in a new payroll system and reviewing our operating procedures.
The payment issues do not affect full-time, part-time or fixed-term staff who work at the University.
What are the main factors behind this review?
Addressing sector-wide challenges: The higher education sector has faced historical casual payment issues. The University proactively recognised these challenges and initiated a review of its own payment practices.
Our commitment: The University is dedicated to ensuring all staff receive the correct payments, including superannuation and any applicable interest.
Enhancing consistency: In the past, there have been inconsistencies due to misinterpretation and misapplication of clauses in relevant enterprise agreements and/or systems limitations applied across the University. This review seeks to establish consistent payment practices for all casual staff.
If this affects you
If you have been employed during this time you may be impacted. Most indiviauls who were employed during this time have been attempted to be contacted at least once by mail to your last known postal address. Initial communications will be sent to affected employees as follows:
- Affected casual employees who are still employed by the University will receive an email;
- Affected casual employees who are no longer employed by the University will receive an email to their last known personal email address, which will be followed by a text message, or phone call, to their last known mobile phone number. Further correspondence may be sent by post to the last known postal address.
If you have already been informed that you are an affected employee, you can update your current contact and disbursement details between 08 am and 4pm EST, Monday to Friday by:
- T: +61 8946 6904
If you are a former employee, have not received any communications from the University and want to check if you are affected, you may contact us at Please provide your full name, CDU Employee ID number (if known) and your date of birth for verification purposes.
As at December 2024 the Review Team is still focused on Professional Employees with a commitment to commence reviewing Academic Casual files by the middle of 2025.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What did the review find?
The review identified some issues with our payment processes that have led to underpayment of some casual staff members. Issues identified primarily relate to the payment of entitlements to casual staff including minimum engagement, shift allowances and penalty/overtime payments.
How is my remediation payment calculated?
As a first step, we compiled data from timesheets, rosters (both in Payroll system, emails, ID login data and from various sources) to supplement any missing data and build an accurate picture of when casual employee worked.
This data was processed by a template developed by project team (based on the rules contained in the applicable Charles Darwin University and Union Enterprise Agreements) to calculate how much you should have been paid for working those hours. The calculation method has been shared with the Fair Work Ombudsman.
The amount that you should have been paid for a pay period, as calculated by the template, was then compared to the amount that you were actually paid for that pay period. In terms of payments:
- where the amount you were actually paid was less that what the model says you should have been paid for that pay period, the difference between those figures is your shortfall for the pay period and will be paid to you;
- where the amount you were actually paid was more than what the model says you should have been paid for that pay period, no adjustment is made.
The calculations were conducted on a pay period basis, but for ease of payment and explanation the calculations in your outcome letter are set out on a financial year basis.
Numerous checks and validation processes were undertaken by the CDU Casual Salary Review project team and CDU payroll team to ensure the accuracy of the data and the calculations. These checks enabled us to identify, investigate and rectify issues arising from inaccurate or incomplete data sets.
Were all staff affected by the payroll anomalies?
No. The payment errors identified in the University's review primarily affected casual staff, professional and academic who were employed at CDU from February 2016 – February 2022. A number of casual staff employed during this time have not shown any underpayments.
Has the University informed the Fair Work Ombudsman (FWO)?
Yes. We have proactively addressed this situation and self-reported to the Fair Work Ombudsman.
If I am identified as an affected staff member, how much money can I expect to be repaid?
This is being calculated based on your individual circumstances. You will receive the difference between the amount you have already been paid and the amount you should have been paid.
Additionally, you will receive interest at five per cent and superannuation will be calculated and paid on the entire amount to be repaid to you in accordance with applicable superannuation legislation. You will receive written notification which will include details of the amount to be paid to you.
I have received a message saying I am entitled to a payment. What now?
If you have been informed that you are an affected employee, please ensure that your current payment and contact details are correct.
CDU will reach out individually to provide you an update then proceed to make payment of any outstanding entitlements to you, minus any amounts we are required by law to withhold for tax or superannuation.
I no longer live in Australia, or I am no longer a resident for tax purposes. How can I receive my payment?
If you no longer have an active Australian bank account, payment can be made to your overseas bank, though there may be restrictions on our ability to make payments to bank accounts in certain countries. Further, your bank may apply fees to international transactions.
Unfortunately, we cannot pay any outstanding superannuation contributions to an overseas bank account as these must be paid into a complying superannuation fund. If you no longer have a superannuation account in Australia, we can open one for you with UniSuper, or you may choose to open a complying superannuation account with a different provider and we can make the payment to that fund.
When will I be paid?
Remediation payments has been made to affected Casual Professional Staff since December 2023 via the payroll system. CDU is committed to making all remediation payments, including interest and superannuation for all those affected in as timely a manner as possible.
We are continuing to work through all files individually to ensure a thorough and detailed analysis is completed. Once the University has completed the review and verified the necessary
Superannuation and tax
Will the lump sum remediation pay affect government benefits?
Any payments to staff including backpay must be reported to the Australian Taxation Office. Any payments may affect your eligibility for government benefits.
It is strongly recommended that if you receive a back-payment amount and you are in receipt of benefits that you contact Services Australia (Centrelink) and seek their advice on the impact of backpay you receive on your individual circumstances. Centrelink phone numbers are available.
What are the tax implications of these additional payments?
Payments of back pay received during the current tax year, including those that relate to earlier financial years, are included on your PAYG payment summary. As with any salary, tax has been withheld from payments of back pay in accordance with PAYG withholding rules at a rate prescribed by the ATO. If you received a remediation payment from the University during the current financial year, you will receive a payslip from the University in the period that you are paid that, where applicable, will include details of "Lump Sum E" payments. A Lump Sum E is an amount of back pay that accrued, or was payable, more than 12 months before the date of payment and is $1,200 or more.
Lump Sum E payments will need to be reported in your tax return as a lump sum payment. More information about reporting lump sum payments in your tax return is available on the ATO website. Back payments form part of your income and therefore are subject to income tax. This includes those that relate to earlier financial years, these will be included on your financial year 2024/2025 PAYG payment summary. Payments above $1200 and relating to a period which is more than 12 months before the payment date, may be classified as a Lump Sum Payment in Arrears (LSPIA) by the ATO. The University is unable to provide you with any financial advice. It is recommended you refer to the ATO website (refer to: ATO - Lump Sum Payments in Arrears Tax Offsets) or speak to your financial adviser for further information.
What happens with superannuation? When will it be paid?
Any additional superannuation contribution payable in respect to the back payment will be made into your nominated, complying superannuation fund. If no fund has been nominated CDU may request UniSuper to open an account for this purpose.
Superannuation will be forwarded to your nominated fund in the next available pay run after your individual payment has been paid. This is in accordance with legislative requirements.
I no longer have a superannuation account, what will happen to this payment?
To meet our obligations under superannuation legislation, the University is required to pay super contributions to either:
- a complying super fund which meets the specific requirements and obligations under superannuation law or,
- a retirement savings account (RSA): an account that provides a low cost and low risk savings strategy for retirement.
If you no longer have an active Australian superannuation account, the University will open a new UniSuper account for you (UniSuper will then contact you with your account details). Alternatively, you may choose to open an account with a complying superannuation provider. Instructions regarding this are available on the former employee verification form.
If your previous Australian superannuation account is inactive due to you being a temporary resident that has since moved overseas, then please review the ATO website at the below link for how to claim your superannuation from this newly set up UniSuper account through the Departing Australia Superannuation Payment (DASP) process:
Please also note that in order to protect accounts from fee erosion, inactive low-balance super accounts may be transferred to the ATO from UniSuper after 16 months of inactivity and therefore it is important to action the DASP process soon to access your funds in the most straightforward manner. Please refer to the ATO website at the below link for further information:
Inactive low-balance super accounts | Australian Taxation Office (
Contact information
We understand you may have more questions, and we urge you to visit the dedicated Casual remediation page which includes a comprehensive list of Frequently Asked Questions.
Please email your concerns to advising your name and the best number for us to call and a team member will contact you.
Alternatively, please contact our project team Monday to Friday between 8am and 4pm EST on +61 8 8946 6904 and we can discuss your concerns over the phone.
Again, this should not have happened, and on behalf of the University, we sincerely apologise. We will continue to update you on our work as appropriate.
Thank you for your patience and understanding during this process.