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Student stories

Yuba's using his IT degree to help his community

This article appears in: Alumni stories, Information Technology
Community service champion and CDU IT graduate Yuba

Darwinites really have Yuba’s sister to thank for inspiring her brother to study here in the Territory. This community service champion kept hearing that Darwin was a “great place to live and learn”. 

“She talked about the friendly people and the peaceful surroundings, which are important to me for studying well,” he says.

With a background in software engineering, Yuba found CDU’s Master of Information Technology (Business Information Systems) matched his interests perfectly.

This program at CDU was just what I was looking for because it combined technology and business learning, perfect for what I want to do in my career.

“Plus, I read online that CDU has a good reputation. I saw positive comments from other students about the quality there,” he adds.

“Helping people makes me happy”

Master of IT graduate Yuba

Wanting to “do good things” with his life, Yuba started his volunteering journey in Nepal by distributing clothes and other essential items to those in need.

“Even doing small, nice things can make a big difference for people,” he says. “Helping people makes me happy, and I learn a lot from it.”

Yuba combined his passion for tech and the knowledge he gained from his CDU IT degree to make a difference to his new community in Darwin, particularly to the Nepalese Association of the Northern Territory (NANT).

 “What we do is volunteering and it’s really important that we get more productivity using less effort.”

Yuba’s digital reform project made a significant impact on NANT operations.

He automated a variety of tasks including bulk emails and online event ticketing, developed a comprehensive not-for-profit management system together with his team, and utilised social and digital media to expand the group’s reach.

Our commitment to leveraging technology has empowered us to serve our community more resourcefully and make a meaningful impact through our volunteering endeavours.

Though the NANT is a cause close to his heart, Yuba’s influence extends beyond the Nepalese community. His initiatives like the multicultural volleyball cup have fostered cultural integration and unity, and his fundraising efforts have united the community during challenging times.

Good deeds recognised

Yuba’s dedication to the Nepalese community and the people of Darwin has not gone unnoticed.

Under his leadership, the NANT was awarded NT Volunteer of the Year 2021 and Organisation of the Year 2021. Yuba was awarded the Chief Minister’s Volunteer of the Year the following year, among many other accolades.

“The recognition is secondary to the fulfilment and personal growth that come from being of service to others.”

Yuba Panta has been nominated for an Alumni Award for Community Service In the 2023 CDU Alumni Awards.

Use technology to improve the lives of others like Yuba. Study IT and network engineering at Charles Darwin University

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