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Giving to CDU

Student Emergency Fund

David McBain and student Chinju Joby

Throughout COVID-19, CDU rose to the challenge of supporting students adversely affected by the pandemic. 

Gifts to the CDU Student Emergency Fund will allow the university to continue to respond to unforeseen emergencies that expose students to financial hardship.

Donate today below.

Current support

CDU Respect Now Always Support Fund

The CDU Respect Now Always Support Fund was established to provide immediate financial assistance to students who are survivors or victims of domestic violence. This fund aims to offer support during challenging times, allowing recipients to focus on their personal wellbeing. 

The fund is open to all students and offers a one-time payment of $1,000. Recipients may use the funds at their discretion for essential needs such as accommodation, petrol, food or clothing. This flexibility ensures that the assistance can be tailored to each individual's unique circumstances.

This initiative aligns with CDU's commitment to fostering a safer and more supportive community for all.

Visit CDU's Domestic and Family Violence support page

Previous emergency student support

Foodbank emergency student food parcel

Starting on 9 April, CDU provided more than 3,600 emergency student food parcels over a 14 week period to students experiencing financial hardship during the COVID-19 Pandemic. 

This program was made possible through the generous support of the Charles Darwin University Foundation, Newmont Australia, and Foodbank NT.

Emergency student appeal

The CDU Emergency Student Appeal played an important role in assisting students through providing financial support to alleviate some of the stress and anxiety students were experiencing.

View Transcript

Ben Poveda-Alfonso
International Student Support Officer, CDU & Coordinator – Kindness Shake

Hello, this is Ben Poveda-Alfonso and I work in the CDU Global Office. As someone who has been an international student and works with international students, I have seen first hand the struggle that International Students have been experiencing.

International students have been hit very hard by the economic fallout of the Coronavirus Pandemic, with most losing their employment income.

This has been made worse by the fact that International Students do not qualify for government support, leaving them with little or no income at all to survive in Australia.

In response, Charles Darwin University has introduced a large number of programs to support their students, including the Kindness Shake, which is a program that I helped create to provide students with a weekly free meal.

“It's really good for the essential things that I need, and it’s a big help definitely:

“It has helped us a lot, as we don’t have a job due to COVID-19”

“I am really grateful for this opportunity, thank you so much!”

Ben Poveda-Alfonso:
Please, if you are in a position to be able to help, I ask you to please consider donating to CDU’s Emergency Student Appeal.

Our students desperately need your support to help them get through this difficult time.

Areas of support

  • CDU TAFE student

    Support student scholarships and experience

    At CDU we believe that education is for everyone. You can give a helping hand to a high-achieving student who couldn't otherwise attend university because of disadvantage, distance or disability. 

    You can also help enhance the student experience by supporting student initiatives and programs. At CDU, we value educational experiences that extend beyond the lecture theatre.

    Learn more
  • Blue 2 Ceremonial Space featuring Pukumani Poles

    Support First Nations students and research

    CDU's strategic goal is to be the most recognised university for Australian First Nations, training, education and research. Supporting First Nations programs and initiatives can assist with improving access to tertiary study and facilitate better higher education outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students.

    Learn more
  • Friends of CDU

    Friends of CDU

    Friends of CDU builds on the legacy created by the former CDU Foundation to enhance the relationship between our University and the community. The support we receive helps fund scholarships, research initiatives, language and culture programs and other activities that benefit the university and its students.

    As a Friend of CDU, you have access to exclusive events and opportunities to engage with the university’s faculty, staff, and students.

    Learn more

Contact us

The Alumni & Giving team are available to answer your questions around giving to CDU
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