App provides perfect planner for CDU Open Day
A new smartphone app will help Darwin residents get the most out of this year’s Charles Darwin University Open Day on Sunday, 21 August.
The CDU Events App features a planner and interactive map to help attendees flag activities they plan to attend and navigate around Casuarina campus.
Student Recruitment and Events Manager Marissa Briston said a range of interactive workshops, performances, information sessions and demonstrations would be held at the annual event.
“The app will help attendees to get the most out of their day and make sure they don’t miss out on any of the exciting activities we have in store,” Ms Briston said.
“Attendees can personalise their schedule and become familiar with the campus grounds simply by looking at their screens on the day.”
She said attendees who downloaded the app would automatically enter the draw to win a high-tech study pack.
Ms Briston said Open Day provided opportunities for members of the community to observe the campus’ state-of-the-art facilities and find out about the many course options available at CDU.
CDU Open Day will be held at Casuarina campus on Sunday, 21 August from 10am until 2pm. For more information visit W: