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Law student heads to Harvard

Charles Darwin University Bachelor of Laws student Mark Gregson
Charles Darwin University Bachelor of Laws student Mark Gregson

A Charles Darwin University law student is bound for Harvard University in the United States this week, where he will fine tune his skills in immigration and refugee law.

Bachelor of Laws student Mark Gregson said he hoped to strengthen his understanding about international asylum seeker and immigration law during the Harvard Immigration and Refugee Clinical Program (HIRC).

Mark said the four-week internship at the Boston-based university would include working daily at the HIRC clinic where he would assist clients with refugee or asylum seeker claims.

“I am looking forward to the challenge,” he said.

“To be exposed to these kinds of situations in a live clinic, for an undergraduate student, will be invaluable.”

Mark is an external student at CDU and said he hoped to strengthen his skills in legal interviewing and writing, research and advocacy during the program.

“I have had an interest in supporting refugees for quite a number of years, before I started the degree at CDU,” he said.

“The skills I will gain from this internship will provide me with a base to help me in my future career endeavours, such as working pro bono.”

Mark will complete the internship, sponsored by CDU in cooperation with the HIRC, on 15 July.

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