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Students enter new world of uni life

First Year students attend O-Week. From left: Reshma Thapa, Manisha Giri, Pratima Acharya
First Year students attend O-Week. From left: Reshma Thapa, Manisha Giri, Pratima Acharya

Hundreds of students are preparing for their first year of university study by attending Orientation Week at Charles Darwin University’s Casuarina campus.

About 600 new and returning students from across Australia and overseas are attending workshops and information sessions during the five-day event, which began today (Monday).

Student Recruitment and Events Manager Marissa Briston said a new social media workshop at O-Week would help students become job-ready by helping them use platforms, such as LinkedIn.

Ms Briston said photoshoots also would be offered to students during the week, which they could use to help them build their professional profiles.

She said O-Week helped students to become familiar with the campus and their course requirements, meet other students and discover the services available.

“O-Week is all about engaging new and returning students with activities that will help them settle into the first semester of their courses,” Ms Briston said. 

“It is a great introduction to university life for students.”

During the event, more than 40 government and non-government organisations are showcasing their products and services. Students also are attending free group fitness classes at The Gym@CDU and invited to play CDU’s Charles Darwin’s Birthday Quiz.

CDU’s Alice Springs, Melbourne or Sydney campuses and centres also will hold Orientation activities later this week.

For more information about Orientation at CDU, visit W:

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