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Fulbright lecture to explore American politics

Professor Thad Kousser will speak at Fulbright Northern Territory Day at CDU’s Casuarina campus
Professor Thad Kousser will speak at Fulbright Northern Territory Day at CDU’s Casuarina campus

A distinguished American politics expert will deliver a public lecture at Charles Darwin University’s Casuarina campus tomorrow (Thursday, 23 April) as part of Fulbright Northern Territory Day.

Fulbright Distinguished Chair in American Political Science Professor Thad Kousser will discuss how divisions between major political parties in the United States might impact on domestic policy-making.

In the talk, entitled “American Political Polarisation and the Presidential Race of 2016”, Professor Kousser also will compare such trends in American politics with those in Australia.

Professor Kousser will deliver the lecture at Blue Building 1.01 Lecture Theatre on Casuarina campus on Thursday, 23 April from 4pm until 5pm. 

Alice Springs residents can watch the lecture via video link at CDU Alice Springs’ Library Seminar Room.

Other events on Fulbright Northern Territory Day include a Fulbright Scholarship information session for interested students and researchers, at the above locations.

Flinders University is sponsoring Professor Kousser as he tours Australian universities as part of the Fulbright Lecture Series. He comes from the Department of Political Science at the University of California San Diego, USA.

For more information about the Fulbright Scholarship and Fulbright Northern Territory Day, visit W:

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