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Students to gain first-hand knowledge in refugee law

From left: Ward Keller Senior Lawyer Kevin Kadirgamar with CDU law student Jasper Sugars
From left: Ward Keller Senior Lawyer Kevin Kadirgamar with CDU law student Jasper Sugars

Law students are gaining experience in refugee and migration law through a new clinical program at Charles Darwin University.

Darwin law firm Ward Keller invited students Jasper Sugars and Tracy Hamilton to gain first-hand experience during the 12-week program.

The students will gain various skills including client interviewing, assisting with legal research, preparing court documents, engaging with the legal profession and the overall daily life of a lawyer.

Ward Keller Senior Lawyer Kevin Kadirgamar, a graduate of CDU, is supervising the students. Mr Kadirgamar is an expert in refugee and immigration law and has been offering pro bono services to asylum seekers in detention in Darwin.

The program was launched on the back of the success of CDU’s pilot clinical program in environmental law at the Environmental Defenders Office in Darwin.

Law students also will have the opportunity to take part in environmental, civil and criminal law clinical programs this year with partner Environmental Defenders’ Office and Northern Australia Aboriginal Justice Agency.

CDU law lecturers Ros Vickers, Jeswynn Yogaratnam, Felicity Gerry QC and Ken Parish helped to create these programs.

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