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Researchers to talk history at public event

Nursing Lecturer Janie Mason will compare nursing experiences in her presentation at the 2014 Annual History Colloquium
Nursing Lecturer Janie Mason will compare nursing experiences in her presentation at the 2014 Annual History Colloquium

Historians will share their research about the Northern Territory and beyond at a public event on Saturday, run in collaboration with Charles Darwin University.

The CDU researchers will join specialists from the Australian National University and the Professional Historians Association (NT) in a series of four panels at the 2014 Annual History Colloquium event in Darwin.

CDU History lecturer Dr Steven Farram will present his research on the development of Australia’s engagement with Indonesia and the case of the 1947 United Nations Consular Commission.

Other CDU speakers include Pro Vice-Chancellor of the Faculty of Law, Education, Business and Arts Professor Giselle Byrnes, who will discuss history, apology and reconciliation in Australia and New Zealand.

Nursing lecturer and historian Janie Mason will compare nursing in the NT and interstate experiences.

The free public event will be held at the Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory’s Theatrette on Saturday, 1 November. View the program at W:

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