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Award for centre’s superior interior

IMPS team, from left: Alison Lockley, Jeff Ballweg, Dan Hartney, Karin Pfister
IMPS team, from left: Alison Lockley, Jeff Ballweg, Dan Hartney, Karin Pfister

Charles Darwin University’s new digital media centre fitout has been recognised as leading the Northern Territory in workspace design.

Private design practice, Mode Design, won the George Chaloupka Award for Interior Design at the 2014 NT Architecture Awards for fitting out CDU’s Innovative Media Production Studio (IMPS).

IMPS team leader Alison Lockley said the studio’s interior seamlessly incorporated contemporary design into the space’s specialised work areas.

She said the superior interior design enhanced creativity in the office, with vibrant colours dotting the carpet and multimedia artwork stuck to the walls.

“The team are delighted with the finished space,” Ms Lockley said.

“It is inspiring, functional, comfortable and easy to work in.”

She said the studio space was an open plan, but each area was given its own identity using different coloured carpet tiles to define space

Features, including wall art, a textured three-dimensional wall, metal curtains, laser-cut screens and floating shelves, also helped the space secure the award.

The studio also features an office pod, individual workstations and hotdesk areas, a green screen room, and a sound recording room.

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