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CDU’s Buddy Program

This article appears in: Starting your studies
CDU Buddy Program

Studying internationally is an exciting adventure and it involves a lot of new things happening all at once. CDU’s Buddy Program is designed to help you transition to life at our University.

During the month or so before classes start, catch up and participate in online and in-person activities with your Buddy in a stress-free environment. The Buddy Program is an opportunity for you to make new friends, ask questions and improve your English skills.

"The Buddy Program is a great learning opportunity. As Senior Buddy you can get professional training during the program. As a Junior Buddy you can learn more about studying at CDU and life as a student in the Northern Territory," says Crystal (China), Master of Teaching Early Childhood.


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Junior Buddies

Junior Buddies are new students who want to feel prepared and get immersed in uni life. As a Junior Buddy, not only will you be set up for success at CDU but you’ll walk away with friends from all over the world before you even start your classes.

The Buddy Program is all about sharing. No matter where you’re from, you are always welcome. Via online and offline, you will learn about not only the answers of our uni life experience but also others’ national cultures," says Kylie (Vietnam), Master of Professional Accounting (Professional Practice).


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Senior Buddies

Senior Buddies are current students who volunteer their time to support Junior Buddies. Upon completion of the Buddy Program, you will have networked and learnt valuable leadership skills which will be transferrable to many different situations. Also, you are awarded with a Certificate of Completion which can be used for job interviews and volunteering opportunities.

Having a Senior Buddy makes your life full. You will learn about how things work in Uni, which makes your transition to uni life a lot more fun and easy. Whatever the question is, and however small or big it may be, you can just ask your Buddy and they will guide you through it. And more than that, you will have a friend that you can go to!" Sushan (Nepal), Master of Business Administration Sustainable Leadership.

Want to learn more about the CDU Buddy Program? Contact the CDU Global team at: 

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