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Research and Innovation

Researcher Development

For CDU staff members, early and mid-career researchers, and HDR candidates
Female student at a computer looking at a spreadsheet

The Office of Research and Innovation runs university-wide programs for researchers at CDU.  We believe that researchers thrive when they are connected to succeed. We design research workshops and other social events to support all CDU HDR candidates, supervisors, and early and mid-career researchers in their work. The events are multi-disciplinary and help you develop transferable skills and knowledge that will be useful to your future career.

Our Researcher Development Programme provides year-round training and development opportunities to help HDR candidates successfully complete their degrees and enhance our researchers' skills and career development

Online research and career development resources

We have compiled online resources that provide an opportunity to learn at a time and place that suits you. Higher Degree by Research students and staff members at Charles Darwin University can enjoy membership discounts when enrolling for a course with the Australian Consortium for Social and Political Research Incorporated (ACSPRI).



CDU researchers and HDR students can access workshops from the IThinkWell team, Dr Maria Garner and Hugh Kearns. The IThinkWell team delivers researcher development workshops for our researchers and HDR students all year round. Visit their website here and join their online conversation on Twitter

CDU Dean of Graduate Studies' workshop resources

The Dean of Graduate Studies has developed useful materials designed to support the progress of research candidates and their supervisors. These resources can be accessed here.

Australian Consortium for Social and Political Research Incorporated (ACSPRI)

ACSPRI Programs have earned a high reputation for presenting a practical and applied approach to research methods and data analysis, promoting hands-on learning opportunities, and using highly skilled and experienced instructors from around Australia and overseas.

The ACSPRI calendar includes regular offerings in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Canberra.

Visit their Event Calendar page for upcoming programs, courses and other relevant events. Its most prominent activities are the regular training programs in social research methods and research technology. ACSPRI currently also runs annual programs.


CDU is a member organisation of ACSPRI.  When enrolling for a course, both CDU staff members and HDR students will need to register on the ACSPRI website and choose 'Charles Darwin University' as your member organisation from the list. That will apply the member rate to the course(s) that you wish to participate in.

Once registered and logged in, go to the course page that you are after, scroll down to the 'book this course' button and enrol.   Both CDU staff members and HDR candidates can get membership discounts, however, they will still need to pay for the course fees.

HDR students will need to contact their college HDR admins if they require college support to enrol in ACSPRI's courses.

For more information about enrolling as a member from CDU please contact ACSPRI.

Thesis Whisperer

The Thesis Whisperer is written by Professor Inger Mewburn, director of researcher development at The Australian National University.  Visit the About page to find out more about her and her books.

Listen to her podcasts: On the Reg, Academics talk about The Chair and Whisperfest.

Nature Careers

Explore the evidence-based career advice from the world top science journal, the Nature. They publish career feature articles that focus on supporting researchers building their research careers. 


LinkedIn Learning

Discover insights and practical advice to help craft your research skills and leadership with LinkedIn Learning. It is an online learning platform with over 13000 courses taught by real-world experts and a library that is constantly up to date. Watch their videos here.

CDU staff members have access to LinkedIn Learning when they log in with their CDU credentials.




Tutor in workshop
Information for current HDR students

Training in research, career, and life skills

Research-based workshops provide skills training for Higher Degree by Research (HDR) students. Find out more about research workshops available for HDR students

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Taking research samples in river

CDU Early Career Researcher Program

CDU provides support for researchers in their early careers and organises a range of programs and initiatives to facilitate staff development and performance.

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