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Level 8: Paragraphs that present definitions--and advances in concise writing

The fifth type of paragraphs presents a definition or description of something—like a theoretical concept, research method, tangible object, and so forth.

Here are two examples

Critical theory is a theoretical perspective that guides many research projects.  Although critical theory encompasses many variations, the overarching aim is to enable marginalised or disadvantaged segments of society to voice and disseminate their concerns and circumstances.  In particular, according to proponents of this perspective, powerful segments of society tend to shape the agenda of researchers.  These segments often like to sustain the status quo and, therefore, are sometimes motivated to conceal, rather than underscore, existing injustices.  Consequently, the public are often exposed to research and beliefs that justify the existing hierarchy. As a response to this injustice, proponents of critical theory conduct research to offset this imbalance.  They tend to interview people who are seldom granted opportunities to promulgate their perspective and thus strive to challenge existing assumptions

The hippocampus is a region of the brain vital to memory. In particular, the hippocampus is embedded in the cerebral cortex—the neural tissue that ensconces the top section of human brains.  Surrounding this region are a variety of other regions, including the amygdala and entorhinal cortex.  The hippocampus is small, often about 3 cubic cm, and resembles a seahorse. When this region decays, individuals exhibit the signs of Alzheimer’s Disease.

To write these paragraphs, follow these suggestions



The first sentence will often define the concept very broadly—or at least clarify the overall category in which the concept belongs.  That is, you need to help the reader form a gist so they will understand the subsequent sentences.  

Critical theory is a theoretical perspective that guides many research projects. 

The next one, two, or three sentences describe the key features or essence of this concept.  

Although critical theory encompasses many variations, the overarching aim is to enable marginalised or disadvantaged segments of society to voice and disseminate their concerns and circumstances.   

Then, to clarify, the next few sentences might show how this concept diverges from other similar concepts

In particular, according to proponents of this perspective, powerful segments of society tend to shape the agenda of researchers.  These segments often like to sustain the status quo and, therefore, are sometimes motivated to conceal, rather than underscore, existing injustices.  Consequently, the public are often exposed to research and beliefs that justify the existing hierarchy. As a response to this injustice, proponents of critical theory conduct research to offset this imbalance.  

The paragraph might then end with some tangible examples

They tend to interview people who are seldom granted opportunities to promulgate their perspective and thus strive to challenge existing assumptions.

Unlike paragraphs that summarise findings, the structure of these paragraphs varies considerably


The following table is relevant if you want to define something more tangible—like an object you can visualise.



The first one, two, or three sentences will define the concept broadly or specify the key features

The hippocampus is a region of the brain vital to memory. 

The next sentence or two will often, but not always, describe the location of this concept

In particular, the hippocampus is embedded in the cerebral cortex—the neural tissue that ensconces the top section of human brains.  Surrounding this region are a variety of other regions, including the amygdala and entorhinal cortex.

The next one, two, or three sentences might describe the physical features of this object—such as the size, shape, and colour. 

The hippocampus is small, often about 3 cubic cm, and resembles a seahorse.

The next one, two, or three sentences might describe how the concept changes over time

When this region decays, individuals exhibit the signs of Alzheimer’s Disease

Again, unlike paragraphs that summarise findings, the structure of these paragraphs varies considerably


Variants of this paragraph

Often, you will need to describe some procedure—such as how you collected or analysed data.  These paragraphs are similar.  That is, you might describe the overarching aim of this procedure first and then perhaps the key activities briefly.  But then you would describe each activity in sequence and in some detail.  


8.1  Identify five or more concepts you want to define—including theories, procedures, objects, and so forth


8.2  Utilise the previous suggestions to write a preliminary version of these paragraphs.  That is

  • first define the concept broadly—or specify the key feature or category to which the concept belongs
  • in this paragraph, include the key features, how this concept differs from alternatives, and perhaps some tangible examples if necessary
  • then arrange these sentences into a logical order
  • if you like, include or adapt relevant sentences you have already written

Improving these paragraphs: Advanced principles to write concisely


8.3  Tautologies—phrases in which one word implies another term—also increase the length of paragraphs unnecessarily.  Examples include summarise briefly or 12 midnight.  Summarise implies the outline is brief.  Midnight implies the time is 12.00.  These tautologies can be condensed to summarise and midnight respectively.  In the sentences and paragraphs you have written

  • search possible tautologies, including summarises briefly, close proximity, consensus of opinion, might possibly, might perhaps, reason why, actual fact, absolutely essential, carefully scrutinised, I personally, final conclusion, past history, past achievements, reverted back, warn in advance, postpone until later, rarely ever, and 12 midnight
  • note that some of these words might not be consecutive, such as summarise this paragraph briefly; therefore, rather than use only the find function, you might need to scrutinise your paragraphs carefully to identify these tautologies
  • reduce each tautology to one word if possible


To write more concisely, you can also reduce many common phrases to one or two words.  Examples of these phrases are in terms of, with respect to, despite the fact that, in the event that, it is possible that, of the opinion that, take into consideration, and each and every.   Therefore,

  • in which the left column of the following table, attempts to reduce the phrases in bold to more concise alternatives; the left column presents the answers; the asterisks indicate the most common examples
  • in the paragraphs you have written, identify phrases that could be shortened; you could search the verbose phrase that appear in the following table, for example
  • reduce these phrases to one or two words, if possible
  • note that many phrases that include the words of, there, or that can be reduced

                     Sentence with verbose phrases

                         More concise alternatives


............Phrase that refer to this time.............



At the present time, Frank is more popular


At this point in time, Frank is more popular


At this juncture in time, Frank is more popular


At this time, Frank is more popular


At this juncture, Frank is more popular

Frank is more popular now

In the course of our conversation, I was distracted by the celery between his teeth


During the course of our conversation, I was distracted by the celery between his teeth

During our conversation, I was distracted by the celery between his teeth

During the time that we spoke, I was distracted by the celery between his teeth

While we spoke, I was distracted by the celery between his teeth

Sales employees are friendly until such time as they realise you will not buy anything 


Sales employees are friendly until such point as they realise you will not buy anything 

Sales employees are friendly until they realise you will not buy anything 

They are in the process of completing the work

They are now completing the work


........Phrases that refer to other times..........



They should arrive in the near future

They should arrive soon

In the wake of the terrorist attacks on September 11, security has tightened

After the terrorist attacks on September 11, security has tightened

Phrases that refer to time periods


Close your eyes for a period of 10 seconds

Close your eyes for 10 seconds

He washes on a daily basis

He washes daily


Phrases that refer to frequencies or proportions



For the most part, children like ice cream

Generally, children like ice cream

The majority of children like ice cream

Most children like ice cream

Large numbers of children like ice cream

Many children like ice cream

Cats are almost always asleep

Cats are usually asleep

Half of the participants in this study were asked to repeat the word “me” one hundred times.

Half the participants in this study were asked to repeat the word “me” one hundred times.

Both of the participants in this study were asked to repeat the word “me” one hundred times.

Both participants in this study were asked to repeat the word “me” one hundred times.

Each of the participants in this study was asked to repeat the word “me” one hundred times.

Each participant in this study was asked to repeat the word “me” one hundred times.

Each and every child I know likes ice cream

Each child I know likes ice cream

He is equally as modest as me, but not as talented

He is as modest as me, but not as talented


.............Phrases that refer to locations.........



The house is in the vicinity of a sewer

The house is near a sewer

We should meet at the place where I first saw you

We should meet where I first saw you

The chocolates are located in the bowl

The chocolates are in the bowl

The chocolates are located near the bowl

The chocolates are near the bowl


...........Phrases that relate to causes..............



Due to the fact that nobody has turned up, we should cancel the event


Because of the fact that nobody has turned up, we should cancel the event

Because nobody has turned up, we should cancel the event

*Eating has an effect on weight

Eating affects weight

*This tablet could result in an improvementin your health


*This tablet could lead to an improvementin your health

This table could improve your health

As a result of the rain, my clothes did not dry on time

Because of the rain, my clothes did not dry on time

This decision could give rise to many problems

This decision could elicit many problems

I will telephone her with a view to changing her opinion

I will telephone her to change her opinion

I watch cartoons for the purpose of understanding children

I watch cartoons to understand children

I will forgive assuming that you apologize first

I will forgive if you apologize first

In the event that I fall asleep, can you wake me?

If I fall asleep, can you wake me?

He arrived at the conclusion that other planets could support life

He arrived concluded that other planets could support life


............Words that refer to the topic.............



We need more support in terms of money

We need more money

He made reference to my wonderful work

He referred to my wonderful work


  Words that compare or highlight concepts



*Despite the fact that speaking clearly can improve confidence, many people mumble


Notwithstanding the fact that speaking clearly can improve confidence, many people mumble

Although speaking clearly can improve confidence, many people mumble

Despite being friendly today, Jan is untrustworthy

Although friendly today, Jan is untrustworthy

As a matter of fact, my friends expressed a similar opinion

My friends expressed a similar opinion

There is little doubt that wombats are intelligent

Wombats are probably intelligent


.................Other categories of words..............



He is of the opinion that none of these ideas are plausible

He believes that none of these ideas are plausible


This document summarises principles this program recommends.  To improve the sentences you have written, apply all the recommendations that correspond to Levels 7 or below in this document
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