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Future study

What to do after high school

This article appears in: High school to uni
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Finishing year 12 can be very exciting and a little confronting. If you’re considering your options, going to university is a great choice – but it’s not the only choice. Here are five options you could consider.

Study a university degree

If your heart is set on going to university to study a degree, spend some time exploring the range of courses to find the right fit, find out how to apply and make sure you meet the entry requirements.

Remember, there are several ways to get into university. Your Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR) is usually the first option worth considering.

If you don’t have an ATAR, consider whether you can study a VET or TAFE course first and then start your degree; explore a pathway program such as CDU’s free Tertiary Enabling Program (TEP); or apply to sit the Skills for Tertiary Admissions Test.

Get a VET or TAFE qualification

Female student at a computer looking at a spreadsheet

A vocational education and training (VET) course will equip you with practical skills so that you can enter workforce.

A VET certificate or diploma is a great qualification in its own right, and many VET graduates go on to have very successful careers.

It can also be used as a pathway to a degree, if that’s the direction you’d like to take later in life. A VET qualification is an opportunity to ‘taste’ your chosen subject area and develop a solid understanding of the key principles that you can develop through a degree.

If this sounds appealing, figure out what kind of certificate or diploma is right for you, find out how to apply and don’t forget to find the answers to common questions about VET.

Consider a university pathway program or bridging course

Tertiary enabling programs (also known as pathway programs or bridging courses) are short, free courses designed to get you ready for university.

If you didn’t finish year 12, don’t have an ATAR or have taken a break from study after high school, this a great option for developing the skills, knowledge and confidence you need to succeed at uni.

You’ll learn basic computer skills, how to write an assignment, and foundation maths skills. You’ll also have the option to develop your basic science knowledge and ability to think critically about historical and contemporary issues.

CDU’s Tertiary Enabling Program (TEP) is just 16 weeks, free and qualifies you to apply for most undergraduate degrees at CDU. Find out if TEP is right for you.

Travel… or travel while you study

Male traveller with backpack overlooking a mountain view

If you’ve been bitten by the travel bug, a gap year overseas after high school could be just the ticket. But, if you’re torn about whether to travel or start uni, have you considered studying abroad?

Learning abroad programs involve starting your degree at home and then your university arranges for you to complete some units overseas at a partner university.

As well as satisfying your sense of adventure, research shows that learning abroad programs can improve your career prospects. Plus, generous funding is available, making study abroad more affordable than you might think.

CDU offers a wide range of learning abroad programs in North America, Europe and Asia. There are options to spend a whole semester overseas or take part in shorter two- to four-week programs. Find out more.

Start working… and study part time while you do

If you’re hankering to get started in the workforce and start earning, have you considered studying part time?

Studying part time is an opportunity to both start your career and invest in advancing it, at the same time. You take fewer subjects, but you complete your course over a longer period of time. This gives you more freedom to focus on other priorities, like work. Win, win.

Depending your course, there are a range of ways to pay for your studies.

Ready to take the next step? At CDU, you can choose from more than 300 university degrees and VET qualifications, as well as a free Tertiary Enabling Program.

Explore 300+ courses

Certificates, diplomas and degrees

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