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Higher Degree by Research

Find a supervisor and research project

Find HDR supervisor and available research projects

Use the research themes below to find a supervisor in your field, or find supervisors from related fields using the researchers portal below.

Ready to start your research journey?

Available research projects

CDU Law Students

Research opportunities with the Faculty of Arts and Society.

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Native Rice

Research opportunities with the Faculty of Science and Technology.

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Allied health practitioner

Research opportunities with the Faculty of Health.

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Menzies Public Health Julie

Research opportunities with Menzies School of Health Research.

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Can't find a suitable supervisor. What can I do?

If you've been unable to find a supervisor from the list above, you can use the researchers portal to find researchers from related fields.

  • Use one or two keywords to narrow down the list of researchers.
  • Each research profile will indicate if the researcher can supervise.
RIEL researchers

Research web portal

Our research portfolio has real-world impact, within and beyond our unique location in Northern Australia.

The CDU Research Web portal provides access to CDU's Research Projects and Researchers.

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