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Population symposium to examine NT future

Principal Research Fellow Dr Tom Wilson will present at the symposium next week
Principal Research Fellow Dr Tom Wilson will present at the symposium next week

In the lead up to the 2016 Census, experts will gather in Darwin to discuss key demographic issues affecting the Northern Territory and what this might mean for the future of Northern Australia.

The Northern Institute at Charles Darwin University will host a Northern Population Matters symposium on Thursday, 4 August in Darwin, bringing together researchers to present findings on recent population change and possible impacts of society and the economy.

Principal Research Fellow Dr Tom Wilson will consider possible outcomes for the Territory’s population under alternative economic and political scenarios.

“Significant federal attention has been placed on the Northern Territory through the Government’s White Paper on Developing Northern Australia,” Dr Wilson said.

“Population forms a key element in debates about the development of the Territory and Northern Australia, and the role it could play within the national economy.”

The symposium will be an opportunity to hear from Northern Institute researchers and invited guests as they discuss the population of Northern Australia and other similar northern regions.

“Using the latest data and projection models, I will look at the possible impacts to the NT’s population under scenarios such as if there were large increases in immigration and net interstate migration,” Dr Wilson said.

“I will also look at the best and worst case scenarios – for example if federal financial assistance was to be lowered resulting in cuts to public service employment and a declining private sector.”

Dr Wilson said that knowing the likely population size, and residents’ characteristics and location, was important in anticipating the demand for a wide range of public and private sector goods and services.

Northern Australia Development Office General Manager and Executive Director Luke Bowen, and Australian Bureau of Statistics Northern Australia Regional Management Unit Director Mr Tony Grubb also will present at the symposium. 

The symposium will be held on Thursday, 4 August from 10am to 5pm at the Northern Australia Development Office, Darwin. The Australia Bureau of Statistics will hold the 2016 Census on August 9.

For more information or to register for the symposium visit W:

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