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Expert offers advice for gardeners this wet season

CDU horticulturalist Scott McDonald says Christmas is the perfect time to garden
CDU horticulturalist Scott McDonald says Christmas is the perfect time to garden

The Top End’s wet season is the perfect time of year for residents to prepare their gardens.

Charles Darwin University Horticulture and Aquaculture team leader Scott McDonald has encouraged garden owners to clear leaf litter, mulch and other debris from draining areas.

Mr McDonald also recommended fertilising then mulching gardens to help prevent soil erosion during heavy rains and protect the soil from strong, radiant heat in the wet season.

“Mulch breaks down quicker in the wet season, giving plants valuable nutrients required throughout the wet season growth,” he said.

“Before we get too much rain, fertilise the lawn with a complete lawn fertiliser to ensure your lawn stays green strong and healthy for the wet season.”

Mr McDonald said cleaning the garden would be an ongoing job this time of year, with new growths of unwanted plants and storms scattering branches and twigs in the area.

“It is also a good time of year to prune shrubs to allow the new growth to come quickly and to thicken up the shrub,” he said.

Mr McDonald suggested gardeners also ring in the festive season by buying Christmassy pot plants such as red leaf poinsettias.

“The red leaf poinsettia is quite traditional and these will last much longer than a bunch of flowers for a similar cost,” he said.

“Plants also make a great Christmas gift.”

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