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Chief Justice to highlight judicial independence at Tenth Austin Asche Oration


The Hon. Chief Justice of Australia Susan Kiefel
The Hon. Chief Justice of Australia Susan Kiefel will deliver the Tenth Austin Asche Oration in Darwin on Saturday

The Hon. Chief Justice of Australia Susan Kiefel AC will explore the issues surrounding judicial independence when she delivers the Tenth Austin Asche Oration in Law and Governance in Darwin on Saturday.

She will explain why, in her view, judicial independence of thought is not always vigorously pursued and why it is not always a force for good.

The Oration, hosted jointly by Charles Darwin University and the Australian Academy of Law, honours the service of The Hon. Austin Asche AC QC to the people of the Northern Territory and his contribution to law, tertiary education and the community.

Chief Justice Kiefel is the first woman to serve as Chief Justice of the High Court of Australia.

She has served on the High Court since 2007 and was appointed Chief Justice in 2017.

Chief Justice Kiefel is Patron of the Australian Academy of Law.

More than 150 people are expected to attend the event in the Grand Ballroom, Hilton Darwin on Saturday evening.

The Oration will be livestreamed from the Austin Asche Oration page at 7:00pm AEDT, 5:30pm in the Northern Territory.


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