CDU investments at Katherine Rural Campus to revitalise regions
The Charles Darwin University (CDU) Katherine Rural Campus will receive vital upgrades as part of the University’s investment to support housing needs to attract and retain staff in rural areas.
Approximately $1.4 million will be invested in repairs and maintenance by way of a rolling program over the next two to three years to 14 residential staff accommodation at Katherine Rural Campus.
The existing kitchen facility in at the Katherine Rural Campus (KRC) has also been upgraded as a part of an additional $200,000 investment to expand course offerings in catering across the Katherine and Big Rivers Region.
Further investments will be made in 2023 into building upgrades at Katherine Rural Campus to reinvigorate CDU’s regional presence.
CDU Vice-Chancellor Professor Scott Bowman said the University was delighted to see the revitalisation of important buildings and facilities on-site in Katherine to improve student learning and experience.
“The first stage of CDU regional campus revitalisation will support the region’s economic development and liveability – and provide the improved facilities that our students need,” Professor Bowman said.
“This project will create more jobs and investment in the regions and see advancement at our campus in Katherine, ensuring Territorians in regional communities have an improved place to study and learn.”
CDU Associate Vice-Chancellor Katherine and Big Rivers region Alison Haines said several buildings at the campus were in urgent need of updating.
“Regional Territorians and those in rural areas deserve the best educational opportunities and facilities available,” Ms Haines said.
“The aging staff accommodation facility will receive much-needed maintenance to provide regional staff with a fantastic home while they work."
The building upgrade works to staff accommodation has been awarded to a local contractor to commence immediate work.
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