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Study tips

  • Papers for a job interview

    How to stand out from the crowd in today’s job market

    Competition in the job-market for uni graduates can be fierce, but luckily, there are lots of things you can do to get ahead. We consulted some of the expert minds from the CDU HR team to find out what practical steps students can take to snag their dream job after uni. 

    Read more about How to stand out from the crowd in today’s job market
  • Prepare to be Googled

    Looking for a job? Prepare to be Googled

    More and more employers are using social media to screen job candidates. While curating your social media presence can help you land a job, so is making sure your resume is current and relevant. Here are a few tips on luring an employer online and on paper.

    Read more about Looking for a job? Prepare to be Googled
  • Woman stretching while studying

    How to spend less time referencing

    We’ve all been there. You’ve written a great assignment and kept a rough record of your references – which means you have to spend a good hour or two tidying them up. All while you’re desperate for that end-of-assignment coffee and the deadline is approaching! 

    Read more about How to spend less time referencing
  • Three tips on how to survive %E2%80%93 and thrive %E2%80%93 during your research degree 2

    Three tips on how to survive and thrive during your research degree

    There’s no denying that undertaking a Higher Degree by Research (HDR) is a big commitment. But, there are ways to make it a little easier to tackle. We asked Rebecca Murray, a research supervisor at CDU, for her tips on succeeding with a research degree.

    Read more about Three tips on how to survive and thrive during your research degree
  • CDU researcher and supervisor outdoors

    How to find the right research supervisor

    If you’re considering a Higher Degree by Research (HDR), know this: Choosing the right research supervisor and forging a strong and mutually respectful working relationship is critical to your success. CDU’s Dr Simon Moss, provides his top tips.

    Read more about How to find the right research supervisor
  • CDU Student Alyson with an baby possum

    Coming home to give back to the environment: Alyson’s PhD story

    Alyson Stobo-Wilson is an Environmental Scientist completing her PhD at Charles Darwin University. Many of her days are spent traipsing through the tropical savannas of northern Australia collecting data on a new species of marsupial glider. 

    Read more about Coming home to give back to the environment: Alyson’s PhD story
  • first year uni header

    The do’s and don’ts of your first year at uni

    If you’re starting university soon, you’re probably feeling excited and maybe a little apprehensive or even a bit intimidated. Try not to worry! Your uni years can be some of the best of your life – you’ll be learning new things, investing in the future of your career, pursing your interests and making new friends.

    Read more about The do’s and don’ts of your first year at uni
  • 20180813 Pharmacy Shoot   CDU   1800X800

    Ten study tips for surviving your uni degree

    Unless you’ve studied at university before, it can all seem a little overwhelming. Between attending lectures, doing assignments and readings, and fitting in the odd coffee or run, life can get busy. We asked some CDU students what their ultimate study tip is for those who are just starting their uni journey. Read on to learn from the best. 

    Read more about Ten study tips for surviving your uni degree
  • Study space with laptop, coffee, notepad and glasses

    How to create a study ritual

    Dirty coffee cups on the sink from late-night study cramming, clothes strewn across the floor, and pets that need walking. Does this picture look familiar? If so, you might benefit from improving your study efficiency and effectiveness through a study ritual. But what’s a study ritual?

    Read more about How to create a study ritual
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