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Student stories

When education and research combine: Meet Dr Brian Street

This article appears in: Alumni stories, Science
Dr Brian Street

For Dr Brian Street, every day is a day for learning, researching and educating. By sharing his knowledge and skills, he’s empowering today’s students to create a better tomorrow.

Brian has worked extensively in teaching and research roles for most of his career and is highly respected within the field of academia. With his solid study background, Brian’s been able to share his knowledge with students and his passion for research remains.

Brian’s career journey shows no sign of slowing and it all started at CDU, a world away from his California home.

A whole new world

“My journey to CDU started much like a lot of students, searching online for programs of interest,” says Brian. “How mine differed was that my search would take me to the other side of the world.”

After seeking more information from CDU, Brian decided that it was the university for him.

The uniqueness of CDU, in location and curriculum, was so attractive and the possibilities that would come of it excited me.

It turns out Brian was right.

The path of discovery

Dr Brian Street and his team

Since commencing his initial studies, Brian has gone on to further his education. As a result, he’s been appointed to Department Chair and Associate Professor in Kinesiology, and played an important role establishing graduate educational programs at his institution. 

His passion for research continues and he attributes CDU for fuelling this fire.

CDU gave me a great academic foundation and sense of confidence.

“In my final semester I was involved in research, developing and testing a cooling shirt for athletes to reduce core body temperature and increase performance when engaged in activities in high temperatures.”

It was this experience that made him want to pursue graduate school and undertake more research.

I’m now the Director of my own lab, conducting research and supervising students. I see it as passing forward what CDU gave to me.

An outstanding student

Brian has published and presented more than 60 journal articles and conference presentations. He’s also supervised over 50 doctoral, master and undergraduate students, and is an active member of professional societies in his field.

Brian’s contributions have been recognised by students and colleagues alike through several awards. CDU has also recognised his work with a nomination for the Alumni Awards

Looking back on CDU

Brian knew that his time at CDU would be of great benefit, but he never realised just how much.

“If I were to give my younger self some advice, I’d say your time at CDU is going to be challenging, but it will be one of the most influential and happiest times in your life.”

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