Student life
What makes a good study buddy
Sometimes, it can feel isolating to study alone. That’s where a study buddy can come in handy to keep you motivated in achieving your study goals. Having a study buddy on deck is also a great way to make new friends.
We asked five CDU students what makes a good study buddy:
1. Stephanie von Kanel studying a Bachelor of Humanitarian and Community Studies:
“[A good study buddy is] someone who is there to go through the roller coaster of emotions it takes to produce an essay or study for an exam. It’s so nice to have a friend who understands why you are stressed or happy.”
Mel Green studying a Bachelor of Information Technology:
“[A good study buddy] is someone who is going through the same experience as you. Someone who you can sit and brainstorm with, work on group assignments together, and help each other out along the way.”
Alwyn Jose: Master of Information Technology (Software Engineering)
“A top study buddy is a person who brings in energy and enthusiasm to work when you are low, and also a friend who guides you and supports you throughout your studies. A good study buddy is reliable and supports you in mutually achieving your goals and targets.”
Kelly Rose Jackson: Bachelor of Science
“A good study buddy is competitive for subjects that you both are confident in, and someone who is patient with subjects you’re not confident with. Overall, someone who is excited by the topic and has a positive outlook will always be good to have close by.”
Mitchell Beagley: Bachelor of Environmental Science
“As an external student I am my own study partner; at times this is good, and not so good at other times. The good traits would have to be: being able to have a schedule and to mostly keep to it; prioritise your workload and sort it into manageable "chunks"; and supply coffee and snacks! In many ways my wife is my study buddy. While she’s not actually studying with me, she reminded me to get back to work when a break may have dragged out. She also reminded me switch to off when it all got on top of me. She’s there for assistance when she can, and always there in support.”
Are you thinking of studying, but worried about time, workload or other challenges? Contact us to discuss any questions you have.
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