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Future study

Civil engineering success

This article appears in: Balance work, life and study, Engineering, Study tips
CDU Student Skye-Graduation-family.jpg

Are you thinking of studying engineering, but unsure about what’s involved or nervous about the challenges ahead?

The fear of being defeated played as a key motivator for Sky McFarlane in completing her Bachelor of Civil Engineering. With the support and encouragement of her proud family, she recently graduated in Darwin and we had the opportunity to ask her some questions about her engineering study experience.

You only get out what you put in

CDU Student Skye on a building site

What was your favourite thing about studying with CDU?

The small class sizes and the lecturers open door policy were a definite attraction. Also, I had tremendous support from my thesis supervisor Charlie Fairfield, who really pushed and encouraged me to put in the extra hours. Upon completing my thesis, Charlie and I had it published as a joint publication with the Australian Water Association magazine and e-Journal, titled “Groundwater abstraction in the Roper Region – Northern Territory”. 

The first year can often be the most challenging – how did you find the first year of study?

Yes 100%, my first year was the most challenging. However, that made me strive to work harder and put in the hard yards to achieve higher marks. As my study years progressed, concepts became clearer and I began to appreciate the theory behind them.

What has been the most challenging aspect of study life?

Finding a good balance between study, work and play. However, it is worth it. If you put the hours in you will get the results - you only get out what you put in.

CDU Student Skye-Graduation-family.jpg

What is your top study tip?

Be proactive and don’t leave things to the last minute. I found studying in the morning was most productive as there were limited distractions. During my final years at uni I would get up early and start studying at 5am. In those two to three hours before my day would generally start I achieved more than in any night time study session.

What do you see for your future?

To work hard and be a respected engineer in my field and to expand my practical knowledge which will allow me to bring a pragmatic aspect to design.   

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