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First Nations Strategy and Partnership

First nations people in ceremony

The First Nations Strategy and Partnerships team contributes to improving First Nations' participation and outcomes in higher education and TAFE. We do this by providing vision and high-level advice to the university concerning First Nations matters and developing and implementing innovative strategic projects and initiatives, based on best practices in the sector.

We work collaboratively and in genuine partnership with our internal and external stakeholders. These include different divisions within the university and all four CDU Faculties. We collaborate with these stakeholders to provide evidence-based advice to identify opportunities, to problem-solve, and to actively participate in community engagement activities.

We have established partnerships with First Nations communities and organisations to improve First Nations education outcomes and celebrate First Nations excellence through Memorandums of Understanding.

We have also established important First Nations governance committees at CDU. These committees are responsible for providing strategic advice to the Vice-Chancellor and the University Council concerning First Nations education matters, including First Nations staffing, research, scholarly activities, and community engagement. Specific governance arrangements at CDU include:

These strategies and partnerships ensure CDU plays a crucial role in becoming the most recognised university for Australian First Nations training, education, and research.

Key people

Director First Nations Leadership Kim Roberston | email Staff profile
Manager Business Operations: Ann Macabuhay | email | Staff profile
Senior Strategist: Dan O’Neil | email| Staff profile
Senior Analyst First Nations Policies and Programs: Fiona Shalley | email |Staff profile
Receptionist and Administration Assistant: Erica Luchich | email | Staff profile
Administration Officer: Peter Cummings | email |Staff profile
Senior Administration Officer:  Jeanette O'Brien | email | Staff profile

Associate Director of Students and Engagement: Melissa Cole email |                                                                                 

Manager First Nations Strategies: Vacant   


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