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First Nations Pathways and Engagement

First Nations Pathway Pre Enabling Program Opening

The First Nations Leadership actively commits to developing innovative programs informed by local and national agendas to increase student participation and success. Collaborating across the Colleges, the First Nations Pathways and Engagement team facilitates pre-programs for pathways into university for First Nations people.

First Nations Pathways to University 2025

CDU offers a range of full-time intensive study programs, providing a supported pathway to prepare First Nations students for university study.

Choose a program that matches your interests like health, arts and humanities, teacher education, STEM, engineering, law, business or accounting.

Download Pathways to University (PDF, 4.2 MB)

Bidjipidji School Program 2025

A major project in the portfolio is the  Bidjipidji School Program, initiated in 2021, and, due to its success, is now held yearly. These camps aim to assist senior First Nations students build confidence, support their ongoing aspirational growth, and establish a culturally safe environment for living and studying on the university campus.

For information on the 2025 Bidjipidji School Program email:

Download expression of interest form (PDF, 438.77 KB)

Named after the Larrakia word for dragonfly, Bidjipidji was specifically gifted by Larrakia Elders to support the program. Symbolising enlightenment and illumination, the dragonfly serves as a guiding metaphor for students as they experience and are exposed to various aspects of university life for the first time.

First Nations pathway and engagement

First Nations Pre-Program

CDU offers a range of full-time intensive study programs, providing a supported pathway to prepare First Nations students for university study. You can choose a program that matches your interests, such as health, arts, humanities, teacher education, science, technology, law, business, or accounting.

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Manager, First Nations Student Support: Barbara Baugh | email | Staff profile

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