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Faculty of Arts and Society


CDU teacher education courses prepare students to be creative and responsive educators in a complex, diverse world.

We graduate ethical professionals equipped to the advancement and prosperity of our region and nation.

Educational technology

Educational technology (EdTech) encompasses:

  • learning theory
  • computer-based training
  • online learning
  • mobile technologies.

Online learning is an important part of many units of study at CDU. We use a suite of online learning tools including Blackboard Learn and the online classroom Blackboard Collaborate.

As an education student, you'll learn about ‘back-office’ EdTech including the development of learning management systems, online courses, and learning data storage and analysis.


Pedagogy is the art and science of teaching - the study of how knowledge and skills are exchanged in an educational context.

You will learn about the developmental stages of learning and applicable pedagogies, as well as identify, differentiate and integrate best teaching practices in diverse educational and cultural contexts. 

Student wellbeing is a central focus of our courses. As a pre-service teacher, you will identify, evaluate and adapt learning environments that are comprehensive and meaningful for all students

Educational contexts

The Faculty of Arts and Society is committed to:

  • Improving teaching-learning relationships in the classroom
  • Raising awareness of issues surrounding Indigenous education
  • Developing an informed, evidence-based approach to learning and teaching in diverse educational settings.

Indigenous perspectives are a particular focus. You can undertake studies in Indigenous languages and literacy as well as examine specific strategies for enhancing educational outcomes for Indigenous children.

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