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Jubilee Weo - Aspire Student Ambassador

Jubilee Weo

Bachelor of Nursing
Nursing Student

I’m from Papua New Guinea, in a small village called Yampu. I grew up in East Arnhem Land, where I completed my senior school years at Nhulunbuy High School. I'm people person who relates to people of all backgrounds and languages. I enjoy learning and respecting different cultures because one day, I hope to be a nurse travelling the world to save lives. I see acceptance, openness, and respect as key to my role as a nurse, so that I treat all patients equally.

In 2020 I completed TEP (Tertiary Enabling Program) at CDU which is designed to take 6 months as a bridging course between school and university. However, I failed one unit. This didn’t stop me though as I was motivated to continue studying because I wanted to start my Bachelor of Nursing. During this period, I was assisted by my personal Aspire Coach in creating achievable goals and visions for those 6 months prior to TEP. Having this helped me to build the skills to continue setting goals to keep me tracking forward with my education.

In 2021, I was one of the recipients of the CDU Aspire Scholarship ($10,000) when I commenced my first year of nursing. The Aspire Scholarship was highly effective in supporting me through my first year in a productive way, by enabling me to pay tuition fees, placement uniforms and course textbooks.

I enjoy leading and being a role model. When given the opportunity to be the Aspire Student Ambassador in 2020, I proudly accepted. Joining Team Aspire staff on school visits or workshops, I share my experience of being an Aspire student and coming to university without an ATAR. I am proud to share my story of perseverance, support, and connection. If I can accomplish my goals, the next group of Aspire students can do the same.

As I juggle multiple roles as a nursing student, Aspire Student Ambassador, employee and coach and an active member of the community, this year will be a challenging year for me, but I meet it with optimism. As you can tell, I am motivated to help and love giving back to my Aspire community. If you ever need someone to talk to or make friends with, don’t hesitate to approach me!

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