CDU are leaders in the field of innovative online legal education, responding to changes in the practice of law driven by digital technology.
Our reputation for high-quality law education and research crosses into human rights, transnational, cyber and customary law. Our dedication to social justice ensures we integrate Indigenous perspectives into our programs, including Comparative Legal Systems, Criminal Law, Constitutional Law and Human Rights Law.
Indigenous pre-law and mentoring program
The Indigenous pre-law and mentoring program begins in January/February each year. The program is made up of two components:
- a three-week full time intensive pre-law program delivered at the Faculty Arts and Society, Casuarina and Danala campuses; and
- an ongoing individual and group mentoring program.
If you don't live in Darwin, accommodation options are available. You may be eligible to receive tuition and accommodation free of charge during the pre-law program.
Successful completion of the pre-law intensive provides you with a prospective pathway into our Bachelor of Laws program, with the potential to commence law studies immediately after completion of the pre-law program.
If you are an Indigenous student, we can provide an academic mentor who will actively support you through to successful completion of your law degree. Our mentors will work with you individually as within the group, helping to foster peer-to-peer support and learning.
This program is run in partnership with Bilata Indigenous Legal Pathways. The College gratefully acknowledges funding and support provided by the NT Law Society Public Purposes Trust.
Explore First Nations pathways to University. (PDF, 4.2 MB)
Dr Susan Bird
T: +61 8 8946 8864
Learning abroad
CDU aims to graduate students who understand both international and domestic perspectives in law. Our law and legal programs focus on issues not only relevant to the Northern Territory but also transnationally.
The New Columbo Plan gives you the opportunity to undertake intensives in several Indo-Pacific countries to learn about other legal systems and cultures in our geographical region. This scholarship program provides not only credits towards your degree, but also an immersive social experience.
Clinical placements
Our clinical placement program provides you with real-world experiences in the field of social justice law. You'll have the opportunity to research and deal with real cases and/or legal policy documents in the community under the supervision of academic staff and external stakeholders.
The range of choices to include a refugee and migrant law stream, Indigenous justice stream and placements with law firms, the courts and legislative bodies.
Harvard Immigration & Refugee Clinic
One of the many opportunities available to you is the chance to participate in a one-month internship at the Harvard Immigration and Refugee Clinic.
The program aims to support legal professionals in Darwin to bridge the gap in this important area of law and enhances student interactions with Darwin-based refugee and asylum seeker service providers.
The program is supervised by refugee and immigration law lawyers at Harvard Law School. Students learn about refugee and migration law and gain hands-on experience by writing briefs and interviewing clients.
The Harvard Immigration & Refugee Clinic has operated for 30 years with a focus on providing direct representation for individuals applying for asylum in the USA, as well as survivors of domestic violence and other crimes. The program also focuses on policy advocacy on local, national and international platforms.
Student story: A 'once in a lifetime' summer interning at Harvard Law School.
Law Student Society
The CDU Law Student Society (CDULSS) aims to provide social and educational events to foster employer and student networking.
The CDULSS team continue to work hard on building networks and relationships with the legal community with an effort to broaden student opportunities available to Law students together with further developing emotional and social wellbeing for students.
David Ninan
President, CDULSS
Facebook Group
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The Priestley 11
Students within the Bachelor of Laws must successfully complete the recognised “Priestley 11” subjects that are “prescribed areas of knowledge” required to be eligible to apply for admission to the legal profession.
The Priestley 11