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Strategic partnership


Finance partners with stakeholders and key decision makers to support strategic objectives and improve financial performance via innovative solutions in planning, advisory, reporting and corporate service functions including procurement, accounts payable, accounting services, accounts receivables, assets, treasury, taxation and insurance.

CDU Finance Connect

For CDU Staff Finance information, visit the intranet page


Accounting Services

Invoicing please contact or phone: 08 8946 6411

Monies received please contact or phone: 08 8946 6495

Accounts Payable

Invoice payments or remittance queries please contact


Finance maintains an Asset Register for the University to comply with statutory reporting requirements.

University Assets cannot be traded in, auctioned, sold, destroyed or disposed of without prior approval from the authorised delegate in the Delegations Register.

For IT equipment (i.e. desktops, laptops, tablets, accessories including monitors, keyboards, mouse and headsets) a request must be made via LogIT.

Contact for any queries


Disclaimer: The contents in this page is for general information purposes only and does not constitute insurance or legal advice. For further information, please contact  

Charles Darwin University maintains a range of comprehensive insurance policies including the following:

  • General and Products Liability
  • Professional Liability
  • Property Protection
  • University Business Travel
  • Personal Accident Cover (For students and volunteers)
  • Workers Compensation (For employees)

Personal accident cover 

CDU students and volunteers are not covered by Workers Compensation as they are not employees. However, CDU maintains a Group Personal Accident cover available to them. The Personal Accident Cover policy is limited to specified events (eg. death, bodily injury resulting in surgery, disability) from accidental injury - not sickness. Medical expenses where other compensations such as Medicare, private health, overseas student health cover, overseas visitor health cover etc are NOT covered under the policy. A copy of the personal accident insurance cover overview can be requested from  

University business travel insurance

  • Travel insurance is available when the travel exceeds 50kms from the traveller's normal place of residence or workplace to a duration of 180 days in any one trip. The responsible CDU employee must also complete the Pre-Trip Approval process in CTM for students or volunteers. A copy of the travel insurance cover overview can be requested from
  • Travel insurance is not available when the travel is less than 50kms or more than 180 days, however personal accident cover remains available for students or volunteers should they suffer an accidental injury while on CDU business-related travel.
  • If the staff, student or volunteer is travelling using their personal vehicle, it will be the driver’s own personal risk and insurances that applies in the event of a motor vehicle incident (eg. CTP and Third Party Cover). The responsible CDU employee must also ensure the driver’s vehicles are adequately insured and that the driver completes and meet the insurance and legal requirements in the relevant Application to Use a Private Vehicle forms. Please contact for further information.

Please contact should you have any queries or insurance claims.


Responsible for ensuring all goods and services are procured in line with the Procurement Policy and Procedures. University purchases are subject to the Purchase Order Terms and Conditions (PDF, 171.57 KB) unless a current contract is in place. For further information, please email

Treasury and Taxation

For more information please email:

Finance FAQ

Got a question? Perhaps it's answered in our FAQ section on CDU Wiki.


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