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Dr Adelle Sefton-Rowston. Image by Julianne Osborne
Territory lecturer Dr Adelle Sefton-Rowston has been awarded a Fulbright scholarship to travel to Alabama to research state-of-the-art prison education programs in the United States.
St John's MoU
Paramedics will soon be able to train locally in the Northern Territory thanks to a new partnership between Charles Darwin University and St John NT.
First Nation grad
Colleen Penangke Mack is a proud Arrernte and Kaytetye women, who was born and raised in Mparntwe. On Thursday 13 June she will address the Charles Darwin University First Nations graduands at the First Nations Leadership Valedictory Ceremony, at the Alice Springs Convention Centre.
alicia burrows getting heart rate checked by coworker
When Alicia Burrows gave birth, it wasn’t just her daughter that she fell in love with. It was also the idea of pursuing a new career. Following her dream to become a midwife, Alicia now juggles family and study. But she doesn’t regret a thing. She knows that bringing new life into the world is going to be special for both her and her career.
You are here exhibition
In a compelling new exhibition, Charles Darwin University Art Gallery puts the lens on the nation’s history of colonisation and mining and its impacts as experienced by First Nations people in Australia.
CDU Law Student Mark Munnich smiling at the camera
If you'd met Mark in high school, you'd never guess where his future might take him. Today, he's a highly successful law student, an NT Young Achiever of the Year and involved in more legal and community initiatives than we can count.
Enterprising women holding the world globe and smiling
If the experience of a growing number of enterprising immigrant women in Darwin is anything to go by, Australia is still the lucky country. Anecdotal evidence suggests that immigrant women have been running small businesses in the service and retail sectors for years, and that they are typically hardworking and passionate about what they do.
CDU Innov8 2019
Charles Darwin University’s (CDU) research will be showcased during October Business Month’s Innovation Week.
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