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Charles Darwin University (CDU) researcher Dr Rohan Fisher has been chosen to attend this year’s prestigious ABC Top 5 Science media residency.
A Charles Darwin University (CDU) researcher is one of only five academics across Australia to be chosen to attend this year’s prestigious ABC Top 5 Science media residency.
Jennifer Macdonald head and shoulders, wearing hat, with stone wall in background
Dr Jennifer Macdonald completed her PhD at Charles Darwin University in 2019 and has over 7 years’ experience working with Indigenous communities in South Australia and the Northern Territory, including Kakadu National Park.
A new speech pathology course at Charles Darwin University (CDU) will train more professionals to help Territorians with communication disabilities to better communicate and achieve life goals.
two male researchers pose for camera
For the first time the Charles Darwin University Northern Institute will host a research showcase in Alice Springs to highlight projects, how organisations can get involved and what impact research has in the region.
Rohan Fisher and Willie Rioli interviewed at the Savanna Fire Forum held at CDU.
As Australia grapples with unprecedented wildfires that have caused widespread devastation over summer, the success of Indigenous fire management in the north has gained renewed attention.
Professor David Low
Charles Darwin University is encouraging people impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak to take advantage of the free opportunities available to them and emerge from isolation with a new skill-set.
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